yes, Xtra doesn't work with the square terrain or soemthing, and when you look at someting then scroll down the map it drags the thing you look at so it shows like 50 pylons if you look at one, and there are xtra has other problems on SF maps.Originally posted by Marador
why dont you just open ur map in starforge it messing up on u?
Triggers in Starforge are not any differant than they are in Staredit. The only differance is the way there worded, Star Forges wording is more simplistic in the aspect that there are no verbs and all that crap. A newb or less advanced mapmaker should use Staredit for triggering because it is simpler to read and that person can loggicly deturman what a trigger will do by the way it reads alone.Originally posted by qazean
Thanks Bolt, sofar its goin good, no more smearing objects
what trigger will make the enemy units that spawn not attack,hold position?
-edit #2 trigger for xtra editor not SF