Battle God
Well, since my old thread is really dead and ecaying now, I figured I would make a new one to see if any of the new people liked StarCraft Music! I think you can export the tracks right from the editor, not entirely sure but if you can't, I can send them to you through email or whatever it is you want me to. I got them, or most of the original stuff save a few tracks! ^_^ I downloaded them a long time ago and I still have them because they kick ass!
Anyways, for whacky Starcraft Music that other people made and stuffs, go here! :goofy Also, discuss whether or not you like StarCraft Music in this thread as well. And if you do, tell us which ones in partcular. ^.^
Anyways, for whacky Starcraft Music that other people made and stuffs, go here! :goofy Also, discuss whether or not you like StarCraft Music in this thread as well. And if you do, tell us which ones in partcular. ^.^