You can download it on kazaa... the south park one was funny but I thought the Half-Life one was hilarious. Of course, I don't have cable and used to be an avid HL/CS player.
Kazaa isn't a recommended download program. But i have heard both Half life vs SC & SP vs SC. They are both hilarious! I used SP VS SC for a song in a radio demo in english. I thought it was funny, my other classmates were clueless to what it was.
Thats funny Renzo, All my friends (Even the ones who didn't play starcraft) thought it was funny, Especially when Cartman is like "GOD DAMN IT DON'T SHOOT ME"
KAZAA HELLO SON. Goto to download the program. Once it is downloade you open the bitch up and search for South Park under the Audio button. Then you double click south Park meets starcraft and half life meets sc. AND wtf happened with the servers yesterday? My posts arent here
heh that clip cracks me up ^^
btw how does kazaa lite diff from orig?
i tried dling it and it wont let me a new window just comes up and says, "download kazaa lite" i click on it and it does nothing
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