I have to go, in Sci-Fi, this order:
1) Star Trek
2) Stargate (movie and SG1)
3) Invisible Man and Farscape
4) Star Wars
5) brain exploding...
Seriously, it's hard for me to give an exact list. Star Trek is my number one favorite, because...well...Rushton hit it right on the mark. I'd rather read, most of the time. I like to read, write, play video games, watch anime, watch sci-fi, play DnD, use more imagination than can fit into the Earth's oceans or Luna's craters or Sol's cosmic rays... (last one was stupid...) Star Wars is okay, at least the second trilogy (first released--Episodes IV-VI) and books, but Star Trek suits my tastes better.
TOS, TNG, DS9, VGR, and Enterprise are all great (though not Enterprise at times...). I'd have to say that I liked each one for different reasons, but they all hold for me. I like them all, and there's nothing you can say to change that.
To settle the arguement between SW ships vs. Star Trek ships:
SW Pros
SW Cons
Only Laser technology
No Shields
No true Escape Pods
Reliance on weak figher craft
Hyperspace = less reliable
Can't fight in hyperspace
No anti-matter technology
Deathstar takes too long to charge
ST Pros--Most/All Ships
Phaser Technology
Subspace = easy and faster
Can fight in subspace
Shielding = Lasers don't matter (1k hits = 1% damage); Death Star full power MIGHT = 20% damage
Escape Pods
Has fighters like the Defiant class
TORPEDOES (says it all)
Anti-matter technology
ST Conds
Usually thin armor
Need I even go on? Every ship in the SW universe basically has the same level of technological growth. In ST there is diversification. What do I mean? Let me explain:
Generally better at sensor and defensive technologies.
Greatest defensive technologies.
Greatest offensive technologies.
Generally considered best at cloaking with decent offensive technologies.
Uh? Comperable to the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.
They control time for goodness sake!!
Almost beat the Federation + Klingon Empire + Romulan Empire, great offense, but lack good strategy.
Need I go on?
Oh! And ST non-realistic, ideal universe? I think not! There is more discrimination than you can shake a stick at! Earth got over the "race" thing thanks to the Vulcans. They realized that the universe is a lot larger... Plus they just got over a war. It's not perfect, no where near.
Perhaps you want a "foot soldier" perspective.
I direct your attention to Episode II! Entire Jedi enterage versus the Droids. Therefore, change Droids to Borg, and the Jedi are getting owned by the Borg and eachother. Or do you wish to go v the Federation? Well, any Dark Jedi would lose because of their "go it alone" and "dominate your minions" stance. Quick defeat. Light Jedi wouldn't fight the Federation. They hold the same ideals.
Maybe the Klingons? They're much better hand to hand fighters than anyone I've yet to see in the SW universe.
Next question!
Later! I'm out!
~~BAM the DOC