Stak Hack4Newbs


62@fsd want to know how to stack?

Well, stacking is very easy using programs. Such as

•Overflow636's Multi Hack
•Starhack 1.10

These programs are all made to help you stack.:sly But some of you obvisously don't know how. First of all you need t download the program. Any of the ones above, found off of and other sites are good choices. Once you have it downloaded you need to extarct all the files to your desktop or a folder, something. Run starcraft. alt-tab and open up the stackhack or multihack, whatever one you have. run it. then go into a game. usually the hotkey for lights otu is f9. so if you are using starhack or stackhack+ press f9. the lights should go out withinh 10 seconds. stack anything you want...cannons(works better with toss, the cannons) but it works either way. that is to stack.

Now... some of you will get an error saying msvbvm60.dll is missing. Or ouleat32.dll is out-of-date. if you get either of these you can download them at or you can get them from

If you need more me at-

•a o e 092 (aim)

hope this helped you.


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