Spells costing moolahs and/or lumber?


BattleForums Junior Member
Feb 24, 2004
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I want the spell divine shield to cost like 5g and 5l, is that even possible?
I would think it has something to do with trigg'as but i don't know please help me! bhsdfhfgsdgfs
I'm also getting really frustrated. I'm trying to make a spell on a regular unit that spawns a unit when used. i have 6 different spells that spawn 6 different types of units. i have the triggers. Ill list what i have.

E - Unit begins casting ability
C - (Ability being cast) = to Bear form
A - Create rifleman at triggering unit

But i have another spell just the same. Same person.

E - Unit begins casting ability
C - (Ability being cast) = to Crow form
A - Create tauren at triggering unit

But when i do the first ability it creates a rifleman thats no problem but when i do crow form it creates a rifleman? I was wondering what i might have done wrong. Maybe the (Ability being cast) is only recognized by heros?

If you cant help me with that... Could you please help me find the feral spirit summon and summon without a time limit? Like make permanent units

Thank you


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
I thought of a method but I don't know if it disrupts the spell casting - you store your mana in a variable, add it to your gold, and if it exceeds the mana cost + gold cost, then it casts. You AND it to mana cost + lumber cost exceeded, then subtract your mana from gold/lumber immediately after casting the spell - but not sure if it disrupts.

The ability goes wrong because I believe they are the same spell string? In that case, you can have a boolean variable that stores whether the creature is a bear or crow or something.*


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