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Dec 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Lights
But you most also consider general intelligence does not directly relate to political greatness.Do you know a single 'great' president that was a moron? They are not one and the same, one could be a genious but not have a clue how to be a succesful politician. generally speaking, The smarter the person, the better a president he could be Granted, a high IQ wont hurt, but that is not the deciding factor. What do you mean "It would'nt hurt" like its not important but it is, for a moronic president the 'deciding factor' cept hes a moron is his advisors, you'd better thank advisors because without 'em bush would of killed us all by now.
Theres a coicendence i want to add to this thread, in one of my threads which was "bush or clinton" twice as many people voted that they perferred clinton to bush, and clinton has just over double the IQ of bush.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Lights
But you most also consider general intelligence does not directly relate to political greatness.Do you know a single 'great' president that was a moron? They are not one and the same, one could be a genious but not have a clue how to be a succesful politician. generally speaking, The smarter the person, the better a president he could be Granted, a high IQ wont hurt, but that is not the deciding factor. What do you mean "It would'nt hurt" like its not important but it is, for a moronic president the 'deciding factor' cept hes a moron is his advisors, you'd better thank advisors because without 'em bush would of killed us all by now.
Theres a coicendence i want to add to this thread, in one of my threads which was "bush or clinton" twice as many people voted that they perferred clinton to bush, and clinton has just over double the IQ of bush.

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