Sons of Tin-Go


Sep 3, 2002
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Free your minds my children, and learn the path to true happiness, by exploreing the depths of the mind. What we have been given, we must use, marijuana relaxes the body, mushrooms free our minds, any crop that the earth provides is there, for a reason. But altering nature has its consiquences drugs that have been altered, or made in labs, lead only to chaos and destruction. Using the herbs that nature provides shall allow you to be truely happy with life, how? Thru understanding, what everyone on this planet must come to exept is that, we came into this world with nothing and that is how we shall leave it. Some have a harder time dealing with their mortality and waste much of their life dealing with the fact that life is short. By using the magic herbs provided by nature, one can learn the way of the world in months instead of years. So join me and stop wasting your life dreading death, all of us will die, but what we do with our lives is eternal...

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