Someone In staff PM me on this please.


Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Ive noticed only 3-4 games with there own section: Diablo, StarCraft, WoW and something else mabey. These are most popular here, but there are many pc multiplayer games of all kinds. If someone puts the time in to make a decent guide/tut for it thats already set by a very high standard stated to follow and shown in a sticky to earn its own Forum/Section.

================================================== ========

For these Guides/Tuts made, there should be a section just made saying something like this :


"The way Hell Gate london is in Pc gaming is good For:

"Post Guides/Tuts for games"(NAME OF SUB FORUM)

And in that section The stickys in it should be:
"Rules Of This Section/Forum"(Sticky Closed)
"The Required Standard Of Tuts/Guides"(Sticky Closed)

================================================== ========

For People that dont follow the rules block them from entering that section or posting in them again or a warning. And all the rules should be is :
"Rules Of This Section/Forum"

1)No posting except for guides/tuts for games that follow :
"The Required Standard Of Tuts/Guides".
2)Pm Poster about Problems/errors/questions/failed links or attachments.
3)Make sure typing can be read, try and use best spelling(Be Reasonable)
4)No translucent colors that may be hard to read.
5)The Poster can double post so long as it goes with guide/tut for game.

================================================== ========

Now we have a section just for game guides with a high standard of Info/Data you must include(Not Exact order as of yet):
"Required Standard Of Tuts/Guides"
Include all Data/Info That applys to GAME

1)Screenies (mabey a certin amount of them)
2)If possible, How many players on most of the time and max seen on.
3)Step by step instructions starting from website thats very simple to follow.
4)Information on: Chars/Class's/Styles/Recipies/Moves/Glitchs/Cheats/Hacks/Class of game.
5)If possible try and get a vidieo of the game to watch and post on youtube.

*REGARDING #4: As much info as possible. So there isnt alot of posts there is a certin amount that doesnt make it worth it for a game you dont play all that much.

Explanation of them:
(Some may be diffrent meanings in other games Ex. Chars to Class's)
(Do best to explain them in the guide, If not in game skip over THINK HARD)

1)Chars: Name how many what kinds
2)Class's: Specialization of a Char
3)Styles: Paticuler way to do something, or a style of attack
4)Recipies: To make certin food, items and such
5)Moves: Best way to move around and or to attack
7)Glitchs:In the game to be used against them or to help the player
8)Cheats: Anything to alter gameplay without external programs of game (power overwhelming)
9)Hacks: Put hacks currently working/expalin how to use/0-10 of chance of getting caught 0 being least likely 10 being garented ban
10)Class of Game: MMORPG/MORPG/RPG EXT.
================================================== ========

As long as they follow the rules let them be creative with there guide/tut for game, let them put it in order which ever way they want so long as its simple to read and understand and follow.

The best looking guides and graphics of the game from screenies and When Your reading the Tut/Guide for the game while or at the end do you want to test it out see what its like and does it look and sound cool? And how does the game really do? More or Less then expected?

The way Hell Gate london is in Pc gaming is good For:

"Post Guides/Tuts for games"(NAME OF SUB FORUM)

And in that section The stickys in it should be:
"Rules Of This Section/Forum"(Sticky Closed)
"The Required Standard Of Tuts/Guides"(Sticky Closed)

If possible with the best guides to the best games that comes out from this to make it just like star craft diablo and warcraft, how they are set up with Discussion/Bots N hacking/Mods/Pservers/Clans at.


Premium Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
US East Coast
The only problem is that we are a forums based around games made by Blizzard Entertainment.
It would kind of go agenst our ways to make a whole forum for a game not made by Blizzard :\

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