This is hilarious. I found this bug in one of my LoD cds (bought a lot of them, ha, most are copies, three original that arent mine)... See, if this bug is on your comp too, you can flip your chars to closed, EZ as peanuts. Cept I can beat anyone even in open, where EVERYONE is lvl 99, or 32 and still better than you. Youre probably new here. Tip: wanna duel someone? Dont post something here. Get yer a%% on bnet and grow some nuts, dude. Do it. See if you win. If you do, go back and duel again. You probably wont last very long, since I know a couple of dudes who can exceed lvl 99. open bnet is poorly monitored. Make a char in closed, and without editors. Then you can get some respect should you come across a victory. Yeah. This is a long post. But Im at school. Wtf else am I gonna do?