I trust some of people who trust me
but never trust some one who doesnt trust you
Even thou u got hes account name wat you going to do sue him?
anyways I got no idea to help you
Tell you wat when hes online PISS HIM OFF BY WHISPER HIM LIKE HELL
i have been whispering him and boy it does piss him off i create new accounts just to piss him off lol. i can't believe people now a days would resort to scamming their own friends.
i thought he was my friend, its obvious he isn't. you should only trust people you personally know. that way if they scam you,you can just go over their house and beat the crap out of them lol.
lol I got some bnet friend and I xfer items with them
they xfer and we help each other. Thats the ppl I truth
not a guy i just met and say hi and he ask if i need to xfer and try to steal my items....
i tried to scam this guy with flash one time and i was liek ok click it then he said flash and i ran over lol. we laughed about it for a while but now we bnet buds and xfer and everything. I trust him w/ everything but password ive xfered 60 sojs with him and stuff worth more. SOOOOO my lesson trust people that have proven their trust by being around a scammer will ditch out after a while cuz they dont wanna be ure friend.
thats just it we helped eachother transfer loads of stuff before and believe me they were worth quite a bit. i guess you really don't know what kind of scum bags are lurking around on bnet.
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