Ok I have finshed the first of the daiblo sin wars troilogy last night(stayed up until 6 am reading it
) but anyways here I will be listing the possible monsters characters ect that is in the book and more than likey will appear in d3.
Lilith (liyia) - is the daugher of mephisto and sister to Lucion. Half demon/Half angel which they call themselve Nepholem. Not quite sure who teh angel mom is. (possible mini-boss)
Lucion - Head preist of the mephisto's fake religion. Son of mephisto and brother of lilith. Lucion and lith hate each other by the way. Also a Nepholem. Half angel/demon (possible mini-boss)
INarius - Rebellious angel that created the world aka Sancuary. He's defied the High heaveans and wishes nothing more than to stop the sin war and rule the world as his own. (possible boss) and ex-lover of Lilith.
Malic - Devoted preist to lucion. Has demonic powers and uses the tribune relgion (which is a front for the threee evils) to control and conquer souls for the evils. (possible mini-boss)
Morlu - Demonic warriors control by Malic. They thurst for nothing more than bloodshed and are stuck in a never ending cycle of bloody battle. In the pits below Lucions temple they rage war on one another fuor sheer fun and once they are all dead they are ressurcted to repeat the battle until summon by Lucion (Defantly going to be monsters in the game) Basic foot soliders. They have ram head shaped helmets.
Astrogha - Demon representative of diablo. He serves lucion and is the main demon from the last book Moon of the spider. Astrogha is basically I giant spider demon that serves under diablo. (defantily going to be a boss) very sneaking demon this one is.
Gulag - The book didn't really describe this demon well but he's a demon under lucion command that is a representative of baal. He forms his body out of materials and is pretty stupid. But his sheer beef and bloodlust makes him a fearful demon. (possibly a boss)
Sanctuary - What the demons and angels call the world humans live in. Their battleground for the war to come. Created by inaruis and lilth.
uldyssian - the main character in the book. While I doubt he will be in the game he is the first one to find the power within and attepmts to change the world and free it of the mage clans and the tribune. Tricked by lilth and he did her lolz.
Mendlaen - Uldyssian brother. The book hints very greatly that he will become the first of the necromancers. After touching some mysterious stone he starts seeing dead people, night vision, and hints that he consides with the great rathma dragon. Much is unknown about him until the next book.
Achilles - Uldyssian best friend and possibley a playable character like the amazon. He develops intense bow skills and hunting skills. Too bad he snuffs it in the end. A great character none the less.
Seram - Where everything started and possibly ta town in the game. Here is where the tradgic events starts.
Partha - Another city that has a big chance of beign in the game. here is where Uldyssian starts his plan to counter act the mage clans and demons. He become a hero in this town unleashing the spark within the people to give them mysterious powers.
Master Ethon - possible npc in the game. He's the head merchant and leader of partha.
And thats but a taste of the possiblitys of whats to come. But I can't 100% confirm any of this until the game is actually released. I highly suggest this book as its a great book.
Lilith (liyia) - is the daugher of mephisto and sister to Lucion. Half demon/Half angel which they call themselve Nepholem. Not quite sure who teh angel mom is. (possible mini-boss)
Lucion - Head preist of the mephisto's fake religion. Son of mephisto and brother of lilith. Lucion and lith hate each other by the way. Also a Nepholem. Half angel/demon (possible mini-boss)
INarius - Rebellious angel that created the world aka Sancuary. He's defied the High heaveans and wishes nothing more than to stop the sin war and rule the world as his own. (possible boss) and ex-lover of Lilith.
Malic - Devoted preist to lucion. Has demonic powers and uses the tribune relgion (which is a front for the threee evils) to control and conquer souls for the evils. (possible mini-boss)
Morlu - Demonic warriors control by Malic. They thurst for nothing more than bloodshed and are stuck in a never ending cycle of bloody battle. In the pits below Lucions temple they rage war on one another fuor sheer fun and once they are all dead they are ressurcted to repeat the battle until summon by Lucion (Defantly going to be monsters in the game) Basic foot soliders. They have ram head shaped helmets.
Astrogha - Demon representative of diablo. He serves lucion and is the main demon from the last book Moon of the spider. Astrogha is basically I giant spider demon that serves under diablo. (defantily going to be a boss) very sneaking demon this one is.
Gulag - The book didn't really describe this demon well but he's a demon under lucion command that is a representative of baal. He forms his body out of materials and is pretty stupid. But his sheer beef and bloodlust makes him a fearful demon. (possibly a boss)
Sanctuary - What the demons and angels call the world humans live in. Their battleground for the war to come. Created by inaruis and lilth.
uldyssian - the main character in the book. While I doubt he will be in the game he is the first one to find the power within and attepmts to change the world and free it of the mage clans and the tribune. Tricked by lilth and he did her lolz.
Mendlaen - Uldyssian brother. The book hints very greatly that he will become the first of the necromancers. After touching some mysterious stone he starts seeing dead people, night vision, and hints that he consides with the great rathma dragon. Much is unknown about him until the next book.
Achilles - Uldyssian best friend and possibley a playable character like the amazon. He develops intense bow skills and hunting skills. Too bad he snuffs it in the end. A great character none the less.
Seram - Where everything started and possibly ta town in the game. Here is where the tradgic events starts.
Partha - Another city that has a big chance of beign in the game. here is where Uldyssian starts his plan to counter act the mage clans and demons. He become a hero in this town unleashing the spark within the people to give them mysterious powers.
Master Ethon - possible npc in the game. He's the head merchant and leader of partha.
And thats but a taste of the possiblitys of whats to come. But I can't 100% confirm any of this until the game is actually released. I highly suggest this book as its a great book.