BattleForums Senior Member


Socom II vs. Counter-Strike (X-Box Gaming System)
Counter Strike
I thought that while Counter-Strike was a great hobbiest patch game, and awesome to be free, but I thought it was horrible to be released as a game in its entirety. The graphics are too outdated, and the controls are not-so-well thought out controls.
Socom II
Socom II was a no where near dissapointing follow up to its predacessor, Socom: Navy Seal. The graphics were extremely in-detail, and were more then great compared to CS. The controls were very smooth, and made it easier to multi-task.
The multiplayer for both games is actually not all that bad, Socom II with 22 online maps, and CS with 16(?) online maps. CS blows Socoms loading time to hell.
Socom 2:
- Way, way too much loading time.
- The multiplayer setup is so annoying, with way too many veterans so you cant join a game without getting your ass whooped.
Counter Strike:
- Graphics are way too outdated
- Controls are horrible.
- - - - -
That's just my opinion