BattleForums Member
Hey guys hows it goin? well any way i just made a smiter and i have a few things for him but im not sure what to use or where to put my skills, here is what im doing.......
Weapon:399Ebotdz-would be greif but i cant exactly afford atm
Boots: Gores
Rings:Bk, Soj or raven
Belt: dungos
Ammy: maras or highlords
Armor: Dusk nigma(i had a fort but a friend sold it...he was a noob and needed money so he thought, "hey this sells for a couple of thousand..i think i'll sell it"...) just gotta love your friends! well this concludes my list if any of you have a nl greif for trade let me know thnx!
Weapon:399Ebotdz-would be greif but i cant exactly afford atm
Boots: Gores
Rings:Bk, Soj or raven
Belt: dungos
Ammy: maras or highlords
Armor: Dusk nigma(i had a fort but a friend sold it...he was a noob and needed money so he thought, "hey this sells for a couple of thousand..i think i'll sell it"...) just gotta love your friends! well this concludes my list if any of you have a nl greif for trade let me know thnx!