Okay heres what i wanna do for smiter:
Max Smite
Max Holy Shield
Max Fanat
Max Charge (not biggest priority tho)
Rest into defiance or vigor
And prereqs totals up to 85
Str: Enough for gear so about 140
Dex: Enuf for max block (125 i think?)
Vitality: As much as possible (200)
Energy: Minimal
Helm: Shako
Armor: Enigma Diamondback mail (yes noobish i know)
Boots: War Travs or Gore
Gloves: Dracs or Laying of Hands set gloves
Ammy: Highlords
Rings: 2 sojs
Weapon: Not sure help plz
Shield: Eth exile kurast shield (nice smite dmg)
Can anyone gimme some help cuz it feels like im not doing this rite. Suggestions appreciated, flaming not.
Max Smite
Max Holy Shield
Max Fanat
Max Charge (not biggest priority tho)
Rest into defiance or vigor
And prereqs totals up to 85
Str: Enough for gear so about 140
Dex: Enuf for max block (125 i think?)
Vitality: As much as possible (200)
Energy: Minimal
Helm: Shako
Armor: Enigma Diamondback mail (yes noobish i know)
Boots: War Travs or Gore
Gloves: Dracs or Laying of Hands set gloves
Ammy: Highlords
Rings: 2 sojs
Weapon: Not sure help plz
Shield: Eth exile kurast shield (nice smite dmg)
Can anyone gimme some help cuz it feels like im not doing this rite. Suggestions appreciated, flaming not.