okay, what you do is first get adobe photo shop 7, free and illegal, dont matter to me, then get the wc3 viewer (search for it on google) its made by theprophet, then what you do is open a unit file in the wc3 viewer (the tree files thingy) and you open it under blp, i belive... then extract it into a folder, then open it with adobe, edit the skin, then to import it... you have to save it over the unit that you used with your skin... so you redirect the file to your adobe saves skin, then load it in... and you can see it on the wc3 viewer... to get it into a game import it, then give it the file name of the unit you want it to replace (there is a complete list in the wc3 viewer.. this is all off the top of my head cause i cant remember what file i put my wc3 viewer in =( but yea.. its just the jist of it.. and take your time on skins... i'm a try to model... cause its just alot cooler =) anyone has information on modeling.. please do tell. (this is how i do it though)