I am an adult and I dont have any problems with NE nor the other races.
No offense man, but you are sounding like a complete egotistical pussy backing down from Pan's challenge over a bullshit excuse like this. You say you are the only "true gamer" left, but a true gamer would enjoy whatever game in front of him non-stop, regardless of how many times he or she has played it. Not be egotistical and bashful over other games that others would call "fun". I for one admit there are games with not so good graphics, but for me: It is a minor detail. I prefer Gameplay and Replayability.
For instance: Aidyn Chronicles and Quest 64 both had terrible graphics to some degree, but I still played them anyways, from start to finish with 0 complaining, except at points where I got stuck.
Most Strategy games have to sacrifice something for something. If we had things your way, this game would have the same requirements of a 2006/07 game. And this isn't the easy to animate and create 2D sprites of the past, these are 3D models and skins we are playing with. And I would also like to see proof from 5 different units to back up that claim.
And NE aren't pink skinned. In WoW, they range from pink to lightish purple white. There is not one pink skinned NE in Wc3, including NE creep models.
If I was you, I would suck it up and challenge Pan to show him who's boss.