i have 3 socrs only about lvl 85's...
cold socr: max cold mastery, max frozen orb, max freezing armor, 1 point in energy sheild (items can increase this skill lvl, so no point in putting in more), 1 in static, and warmth pile-up
lightning socr: max ts, max nova, max lightning mastery, 10 in energy sheild, 1 in frozen armor, 1 in static, and warmth pile-up
fire socr: max hydra, max firewall, max fire mastery, 1 in frozen armor, 1 in energy sheild, 1 in static, and warmth pile-up
don't tell me i suck, because i know that already. i'm experimenting, so don't tell me to change my socr skills, cuz i already am. i'm trying out many different (and logical) combinations of spells and see how they work. that's why these socr's aren't lvl 90; they're experimental. =P