Cabalists reap many rewards for daring to plunge their hands into the endless Well of Midnight from which all Demonkind spawns. Such delving has allowed these mystics to harness and wield the Nameless Fire that powers the terrible war machines of the Dark. And they can also, from exposure, even become the very beasts they fight.
One such Cabalist Transformation ability is the Necro Shift. Necro Shifting distorts a Cabalist's form into that of an unnamed walking dead. As Zombies, Cabalists may move unmolested through ranks of foolish Demons, circumventing potential dangers and providing themselves with better vantage points from which they can make surprise strikes.
This skill does not serve as a simple devilish cloak, however. Cabalists who force such dramatic change within themselves can also wield the very weapons of their foe. In the case of the Zombie, poisonous breath and unnaturally powerful claws become available. Both abilities can even be improved upon, leveled up to more powerful attacks so that when a Cabalist chooses to melt into the same form at a later time, he or she may capitalize off even deadlier assaults.
Flagship came up with the idea after watching a local Zombie trying to eat Peter Hu's dog even though it was wearing a sweet Flagship unicorn t-shirt.
"Cool!" We thought. "Zombies should be some kind of skill regardless of whether they chase dogs in our final game!" Then the dog leapt into outer space. "Neato!" Said Flagship. "We have to make Space Dog a skill, too! Or maybe some kind of secret space shuttle destroying class!"