
Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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well I just finished watching Sicko.


I mean when Michael Moore makes a propaganda film like Bowling for Columbine, it had some cool videos and interesting people in it. This movie was so boring.

I think the greatest indignity was Canada being featured in the healthcare. "I only waited 20 minutes" or something. Bullshit. When I broke my Collar bone I waited a good 5 hours to get xrays and more to get some wierd ****ing thing wrapped around it, which next visit another doctor said was completely unnecessary. I had to wait an hour to get stitches in my poor pinky (mind you that was only because I didn't have my health card).

Then again, It's better than having to pay thousands of dollars.

Movie sucked.


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
I'm just not amused by any of this political or documentary bullshit. I will not see Bowling for Columbine. I will not see Supersize Me. I will no longer watch anything based upon the Zodiac killer (a bit unrelated, but still in the same class as far as I'm concerned). I won't see Team America. I don't think this is funny, I don't think of it as a "barbed satire," I just think of it as some idiot trying to make his fortune and get famous by talking shit about his country or something.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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I'm just not amused by any of this political or documentary bullshit. I will not see Bowling for Columbine. I will not see Supersize Me. I will no longer watch anything based upon the Zodiac killer (a bit unrelated, but still in the same class as far as I'm concerned). I won't see Team America. I don't think this is funny, I don't think of it as a "barbed satire," I just think of it as some idiot trying to make his fortune and get famous by talking shit about his country or something.
you my friend have problems if you think Team America is about making fun of the country.


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
What exactly was it about then? I mean, I never saw it. It looked retarded, and with a name like Team America: World Police, I think it was reasonable to conclude that it was going to be talking shit about America and "our" habits of getting into others' affairs.


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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No, michael moore is full of milkshakes and the dollar menu at mcdonalds.

hollywood filmmakers generally arent the most moderate people in the world, just fyi.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Team America kind of hit all the people/groups out there. Good movie.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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I'll probably download it. I kind of liked Bowling and 9/11. I may as well watch this one too. Even though I already hate America...


Jul 11, 2003
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i havn't seen any of his films.. The whole "mcdonalds ****s you up" thing seemed like common sense to me =/

i might watch it sometime.. but house is more important..



Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
Oh yeah, Fahrenheit 9/11 was one of his wasn't it? I saw about 15 minutes, and it was exactly the sort of conspiracy theorist bullshit I expected. To sum up the movie in a sentence: "The government knew the attacks were going to happen, but they did nothing and it's all G.W.'s fault."

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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i havn't seen any of his films.. The whole "mcdonalds ****s you up" thing
Supersize me was from film maker Morgan Spurlock.

Oh yeah, Fahrenheit 9/11 was one of his wasn't it? I saw about 15 minutes, and it was exactly the sort of conspiracy theorist bullshit I expected. To sum up the movie in a sentence: "The government knew the attacks were going to happen, but they did nothing and it's all G.W.'s fault."
That was nothing what the movie was like. It didn't even come close to any of those conspiracy theories. This is what happens when you haven't seen something, and read reviews and formulate your own opinions on something without having seen it. Team America, Moore movies, movies you haven't seen yet go so far as calling them idiots based on nothing but your bias.


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
I watched about 15 minutes of it in the middle, and that's all it was talking about. It was a bunch of "information uncovered that the government had in their hands before 9/11, and they did nothing about it." I also caught some obvious digs at the President. I'm not just making shit up, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop snapping to immediate judgements about my viewpoints.

I haven't read a single review, and am basing my opinions on the image they promote in their advertisements and in the short clips that I've seen. If the part I saw in that movie was the only part that was exactly what I was talking about, then cool. However, a sneaking suspicion leads me to believe that you're full of crap, and that's exactly what it was about. But hey, what do I know, I only saw 15 minutes before I came to the conclusion that it was bullshit. You went ahead and spent a couple hours of your life on it that you'll never get back, so I should really trust your opinion, shouldn't I?

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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I watched about 15 minutes of it in the middle, and that's all it was talking about. It was a bunch of "information uncovered that the government had in their hands before 9/11, and they did nothing about it." I also caught some obvious digs at the President. I'm not just making shit up, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop snapping to immediate judgements about my viewpoints.
You said your viewpoints, which were bullshit. My judgements based on the fact you didn't watch the movie, but 15 minutes and the fact you said it something was bullshit and making judgements on a movie you have never ever seen.

I haven't read a single review, and am basing my opinions on the image they promote in their advertisements and in the short clips that I've seen. If the part I saw in that movie was the only part that was exactly what I was talking about, then cool. However, a sneaking suspicion leads me to believe that you're full of crap, and that's exactly what it was about. But hey, what do I know, I only saw 15 minutes before I came to the conclusion that it was bullshit. You went ahead and spent a couple hours of your life on it that you'll never get back, so I should really trust your opinion, shouldn't I?
so watching 15 minutes in a two hour movie you have a better opinion of the movie than everyone else who watched the full 2 hours because you think it's bullshit based on what? 15 minutes. They had a report called "bin laden to attack America" beforehand. That is fact. The sad thing is it is worse for you that you haven't read a review and still have an opinion on a movie you haven't seen. a clip from a movie is impossible to say "OMG I saw this part and the movie sucks lol." doesn't work that way.


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
No, I said "I saw this part, this part was predictable nonsense, and common sense leads me to believe that this is a representative sampling of what the movie may basically consist of, and I do not care about seeing such a movie." Basically.

Frankly, I don't give two shits about this political, life-analysis shit. Burgers make you fat, DUH. Troubled kids shot up a school, DUH. Terrorists attacked America, DUH. The American government is backward and half-incompetent, DUH. George Bush isn't the most intelligent person in the world, DUH. We don't need movies to tell us that, and any made are just attempts to make a shitload of money, get your name known, and be an asshole while hiding behind the "freedom of the press" line.

I didn't watch the movie, because the REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES that they displayed didn't suit my interests. Furthermore, the genre doesnt suit my interests and I find it to be a pointless waste of time and money. I watched an entire 15 minutes, couldn't take any more of the garbage I was seeing, and walked out of the room. When something sucks, I don't waste my time "giving it a chance." If something doesn't capture my attention within half an hour, I generally turn it off. If it's something I never had hopes for to begin with, 15 minutes is more than enough.

It's already been shown to be blatantly obvious that your taste in movies and mine part ways quite distinctly, with a few exceptions. You like these sorts of movies, and are therefore initially dispositioned to give them a bigger chance, and more inclined to like them anyways. Personally, I have no interest in these sort of movies, and so my tolerance and acceptance of them is distinctly different from yours.

End of story, no big deal, and stop harassing me for having an opinion. I respect yours, and can accept your reasons for watching the movie, and am not about to say "you're a dumbass and your opinion is baseless." Have the common courtesy to show the same regard for me. All the information I need to judge the movie for myself and form a conclusion about the movie that relates only to myself, has been given. It has been weighed, it has been measured, and it has been found wanting. Cry about it.

Edit: And I never said my opinion was better than anyone else's. All I did was give my opinion, in no way did I say "believe how I believe," and you began to harass me because my opinion differs from yours.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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No when you say a move is bullshit and a bunch of movies are bullshit that you have never seen before, or like when said that independent films suck because they are independent, and the generalization and such gives your opinion no weight. If you watched the movie and formed the opinion that is fine. If you didn't watch the movie and acknowledged you know nothing about the movie, or seen a tailor and not wanted to watch the movie, fine. You don't say something is bullshit when you haven't even come close to watching 1/4 of the movie, let alone the less than 10% of the overall movie you base your opinion on.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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It's easy to write off anything that anyone does as being motivated by the ego. I don't know if that cheapens the concept of documentary filmmaking though.


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
I don't just frivolously pull opinions out of thin air, Mike. I no longer watch many independent films because the ones I have seen (and I've seen quite a few that made it to video) hold no value to me. As wonderful as the acting may be, camera stylistics and shaky dialogue, accompanied in most cases by an incohesive, rambling storyline just don't impress me. Low-budget movies don't have the "wow" that I like to get out of a movie. Independent films are usually pretty damn slow-paced, too. Nobody ever makes an independent film about badass stuff's always the brooding artist that nobody understands trying to make a name for himself as an innovative genius with unparalleled insight into the human condition. In short, the film school nerds who spent recess inside playing on their gameboys because the world rejected them and they didn't NEED the world cuz they had their toys, and I'll show them I'll be a famous screenwriter one day.

I don't like independant films because every one I've seen, and there are probably at least 20 full-length ones that I've seen start to finish, is one or more of the following things, usually most of them:

1) Slow-paced, with very little action.
2) Anticlimactic ending.
3) "Fresh" actors who are practically reading their lines off of cue cards.
4) Shaky cameras and horrrrible lighting.
5) Plotlines concerned with being "sociologically creative" rather than being entertaining.
6) Targeted towards winning awards, not towards entertaining the average consumer.

My analysis of independent films has been reached through experience. Again, it's only my opinion and you have no obligation to even give a shit what I think, but you also have no right to tell me that I'm wrong or that I arrived at it the wrong way. I watched these movies. I didn't like these movies. I don't want to watch more of these movies. Simple, valid, irrefutable.

your last post said:
seen a trailer* and not wanted to watch the movie, fine
I did, I don't, stop bitching. It looked like crap, the clips I saw of it were crap, and the genre as a whole has in my experience been essentially reliably crap.

In addition,

Crap: Noun. Quality of being worthless and/or a waste of time, as it relates to me and me alone. Something being refered to as "crap" shows a personal viewpoint relating to, depending upon, and affecting nobody else's own personal opinions.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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That's like saying "I watched a bunch of action movies that have been dogshit horrible, so all action movies are dogshit horrible." You're basing a generalization of independent films. Films like Pi, Requiem for a Dream, the 4th Floor, Blair Witch Project, Napolean Dynamite, The Big Lebowski, The Fog, George Lucas In Love, Halloween, the Little Shop of Horrors, Mad Max, etc. etc.

List of great movies and there are hundreds more. Even The Mask, whether you like Jim Carey or not is an independent film and is not even close to what you say an independant film should entail.♦.

My problem with You is you saying something is bullshit without seeing it.Saying somethign is bullshit if you watched and didnt like it is different than not wanting to see. You don't jump to conclusions on anything based on a small piece of something, without seeing the whole. Half Michael Moore's Movie isn't about 9/11, or Bush, but about the war and the people in it. If you watch fifteen minutes of the beginning about bush you don't get the rest of the movie. you don't have all the facts, and since you haven't seen the movie you haven't seen anything else about it, therefore you can't say it is bullshit. Don't like the movie, I don't care, I didn't like the movie. You can't denounce it because you watched less than 8% of a movie.


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