Shroud of Tauran RPG


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
That's Toor-an! (like Door-an, only with a T! incase anyone cares how its pronounced)

SoT is going to be a series of five RPG maps. They are replacing Northern Territories. It hit me a week or so ago that 'Northern Territories' was a lame name. Since I'm using my compaq pc to work on the maps, no 'pre-testing' will be done untill at least the first map is finished and ready for testing.

There are six 'heros' to choose from:

Desann (Infested Duran)(P1 default place)(MUST HAVE)
Marauder General (Zergling)(P2 default place)
Dragon General (Firebat)(P3 default place)
Demon General (Ultralisk)(P4 default place)
Serpent General (Hydralisk)(P5 default place)
Spider General (Dragoon)((P6 default place)

Desann is the 'army maker', you gather minerals to build each army unit, Lings, Bats, Ultras, Hydras, and Goons. Once one is build it is given to the general who commands that type of unit. Each general is able to command up to six units at a time. However, you cannot use your General unit until the final area. Desann will only command Drones for gathering, Overlords for Psi, and Infested Duran for attacking. However, Desann can only be used in the final area like the other generals.

If a general dies, thats it for that player.
If Desann dies, thats it for everyone, you have to start over.

This series of maps are called Shroud of Tauran RPG. However, each map will have a 'title' as well. Like how a TV series has its name and each of its shows has a title.

Each map will be 256x256 in size. Four of the five maps will use the Jungle terrain while the fifth will use the Space Platform terrain.

I am not going to give away the stroy line at this time, so don't bother to ask me. If I want you to know, I'll post it at a later date.

This project will take some time, yet I'm hoping that the first map is done by Sep 31 at the earliest. If anyone wishes to help, please note that you must have Brood War in order to test it at anytime. I may need someone that can build impressive cities, yet at this time I am not sure. I'll let you guys know if I do.


Jul 12, 2004
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So you're making five maps and not going to release them until they are all done? Well, the first map sounds good if that's what you're talking about.


May 18, 2003
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So if player 1's unit dies, everyone loses? There's something wrong with that. Some immature freak could just purposely be player 1 and then leave the game 10 seconds into the game.

I do remember Northern Territories. What happened?


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by SpX
So you're making five maps and not going to release them until they are all done? Well, the first map sounds good if that's what you're talking about.
I'm really making ten maps, the five SoT maps is only the first half of the series. Once I have all five SoT maps done, I will begin work on the other half. To answer your question, I'm not sure if I want to release them as I finish each map, or release them all at once. I have to at least complete the first map and see how good I did.

Originally posted by Lwek
So if player 1's unit dies, everyone loses? There's something wrong with that. Some immature freak could just purposely be player 1 and then leave the game 10 seconds into the game.

I do remember Northern Territories. What happened?
I know, I know! "What if some jackass is player one and leaves just for the hell of it?" That thought crossed my mind as well. It is true that somewhat like 40-50% of BNet players are pricks. It is also true that somewhat like 50-60% of BNet players are serious gamers that won't pull that stunt. If someone does pull it, simple remake the game yourself and ban the jerk if he/she joins. Granted, the maker would have to be using a reliable internet connection, meaning it won't cut out on him/her mid-game. Also the maker would need to have plenty of free time since I'm wanting to make each map as hard and long as I can, I'm wanting it to take at least two hours to beat each map with all six players. Simply because the RPGs I've played latly are easy as hell to beat and not worth my time. I'm hoping Tux's A&O Saga is as hard and long as he can make it. :D

NT's storyline is basically the same storyline for SoT, I simply changed a few things around and changed the name.

As far as I know, this is the first project of this size and complexity, for a StarCraft RPG. Keep in mind that I've been playing UMS for a long time.


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score

Mystic-Death has offered to help out with the city making. I told him I need to see some example maps before I deside to accept, that goes for anyone else that wants to help with anything, I'll need to see some impressive examples before I accept your help. I just want to have the highest quality I can get out of these maps.

I've gotten the intro part of the briefing done. I'm still working out the bugs in the storyline. Once I get the storyline just right, I'll finish up the briefing and work on the unit settings, names, upgrade costs and times, ect...

I'll be happy if I can get an alpha version done by the 1st. Get an alpha done, have some of you BF guys test it with me, mainly I'll need the map-maker gods to point out things that need to be tweeked, I just want to best help I can get. If I need to change things around, then comes the beta. I'll need to have that tested as well, if everything checks out, it will be finalized and released.

I'm wanting to release the finalized map September 31st at the earliest, December 1st at the latest. If I can get in touch with Tux and see about a trailer like his A&O Saga trailer, that would be sweet! What do you say Tux?


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Well, okay, it sounds good to me, just make sure that they are good and don't rush them and they will be awesome. :)


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by SpX
Well, okay, it sounds good to me, just make sure that they are good and don't rush them and they will be awesome. :)
I don't plan on rushing them. I've played rushed maps, they suck. I think my maps will be the first to use a special spawning method. At least I haven't come across any maps that use it anyway.


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Well, that's good because I rushed my bound map and holy crap, did that turn out bad, you can't even beat it...LOL, if you want me to attach I will.


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by SpX
Well, that's good because I rushed my bound map and holy crap, did that turn out bad, you can't even beat it...LOL, if you want me to attach I will.
Naw, we can play it after we give Legacy Of Hæan RPG a try.

Ok, lets not get the "Off-Topic Police" in here. Back on topic we go.

Should I tell the rest of these people the basic storyline of my maps or should I leave them hanging?


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by SpX
Tell them. It will be easier that way.
ahh! i wanna leave em hangin! i like to torture people


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
What's wrong with making the map gay-free. So that if player 2 does leave, don't have it so that the game ends.
I'd have to say that I'm impressed that you're making 5 maps dedicated to a storyline. Why not turn it into a campaign. I would never have that much devotion to make a series of map for one plot. I'd probably quit before I even start the 2nd map. It would be astonishing if you do finish all 5 maps.
No offense, but I know there will be some obstacle that will stop you from continuing on with this series. I've experienced a lot of quitters so I am use to people quiting. An obstacle that stops you could range from:
I'm just plain bored of making this map
Nobody plays my map

I like my way of map making. I work on my map maybe atmost an hour every other or few days. Working everyday on one map for more than an hour gets me bored of making that map and eventually I'll quit.
I'd like to hear the storyline. This map sounds interesting as it is, already! ! ! ! !


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lwek
What's wrong with making the map gay-free. So that if player 2 does leave, don't have it so that the game ends.
I'd have to say that I'm impressed that you're making 5 maps dedicated to a storyline. Why not turn it into a campaign. I would never have that much devotion to make a series of map for one plot. I'd probably quit before I even start the 2nd map. It would be astonishing if you do finish all 5 maps.
No offense, but I know there will be some obstacle that will stop you from continuing on with this series. I've experienced a lot of quitters so I am use to people quiting. An obstacle that stops you could range from:
I'm just plain bored of making this map
Nobody plays my map

I like my way of map making. I work on my map maybe atmost an hour every other or few days. Working everyday on one map for more than an hour gets me bored of making that map and eventually I'll quit.
I'd like to hear the storyline. This map sounds interesting as it is, already! ! ! ! !
Fine, I give. P1 is no longer a must have. But don't come bitchin to me when P1 dies and the generals can't get anymore units for their armies! :p

I do have ADD so my attention span isn't really as long as other peoples, but when I'm interested in something, everything else is blocked from my mind, sometimes I go days without sleep because of my 'obsessions' lol. If you read my post, its ten maps that follow one storyline, five for one side of it and the other five for the other side. If you want the storyline, ask me on AIM :p


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Sounds too much like the Shroud of Turin.


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
~ Project Terminated ~
Why? Had a better idea come to me, and as MacMan pointed out, it sounds like "Shroud of Turin" whatever that is...

I've done some research on a few things and found ways to pull some things off better then what I had planned, I just wish there where MORE units in SC. I could use them! I've also searched through the MANY maps out there and found a name that has yet to be used. I've seen many neat tricks I want to put into my map, so I'm re-working my ideas around to fit them in. Like the Lighting system in that Legend of Heaven (that HUGE 5 MB one) map. Using Dropships for Item and Spell usage to save room. A Training area to beef up your heros for the final boss batte. A few others.

I'm also changing the storyline a little. I'll be making a new thread for the new map later since it is going to be alot different then this one, and this one is not being worked on at all anymore.


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