To me, hey why not release it? As you guys have said, they will delete this bugged/duped items anyway so why not eat your popsicle while its still solid? So far, everything that Blizzard said ( I believe ) had come true. They said they were banning accounts for cheating, they did; they said they were bringing out the 1.10 patch; they did (Beta that is..) . They said they were deleting bugged/duped items ( they have already done it in the past), and they did. So what makes this time different?
Not that I'm celebrating or anything, but its the D2 item sites that are going to be hit the most. As in come on. Don't you feel any bit happy that this items stores are finally going to stop?
It takes a very UN-selfish person to do something like this. To release this dupe means, to end the "Ebay" Supply & Demand. The dupe is what started this whole problem with the economy and I believe this is what will stop it.
To Skull or to whom who made this hack THANK YOU for actually having it released.I salute you! You're a hero to the D2 world ( not just because of the item dupes) but for freeing the D2 world. ( I think you know what I mean by that)
And Btw, screw you guys if you guys said this and never had it released. LOL . Well atleast thank you for getting most of us excited for 2 days. HAHA