Nicholas The Slide
BattleForums Senior Member
Ok People here it is, my first guide! w00t. this is for a paladin who uses BOTH Holy Shock and Holy Freeze. Ho you say? i shall now put it out for you. (and keep in mind i wrote this guide in my assigment notebook after i finished a theology test)
20- Holy Shock
20- Resists Lightning (syn. for shock)
20- Salvation (same as above)
20-Resist Cold (syn for freeze)
5- holy shield, will explain later why so low
1 into prereqs
Armor-COH, great armor, resits, skills, everything a pally needs
-40s elite armor with good stats and 45/5 cold facets, as a replacement if u cant get COH
Weapon 1-DOOM berzerker axe, this is where you get Holy freeze from. NO substitutes. (unless u decide to use war spike as base weapon)
weapon 2-CTA/demon limb, this is for BO and enchant. Limb is optional but i reccoment using it for enchant.
Shield- eth exile protector/vortex shield. the base shield you use is up to you but eth exile is NEEDED for this build as he has little defense with a small HS level
gloves- Uped lava gouts/Laying of hands for ias, as you wont be using fanatasicm. possibly you could use nice crafted/rare gloves with ias.
boots- eth treks would be best, as they give to vita. you might say, no gored pwnz0r eth treks on melee! but this char is doing almost total elemantal dmg. go critical strike wont to anything
belt- Verdungos. hands down. you should have t-gods as well in case u some across a cs zon or a pure shockadin.
Helm-cham/ber COA. done deal
Rings- anjelics (as ou wil have a pathetic AR without them)/ravens, wisps (for abosrbs of pesky creatures/characters.)
Amulet-if your using anjelics (which i HIGHLY reccomend)then use anjelics ammy (duh). if not..use maras (as high as you can afford)
Charms-anni, AURA skillers (both defensive and offensive), 2-3 combat
Strength- Whough for COH/COA or 40s armor
Dexterity- enough for max block (around 127)
Energy-Why Bizzard even keeps this stat here is beyond me..put points here and ill hunt you down and break your LOD cd.
FAQ (only one question lol)
Why is this build good?
- this build is good because as we all know MOST characters who use a songle element for their main damage doesnt fare too well in pvp. SO I said, hey doom gives you holy freeze, and Shocker pallys can generate a lot of damage, AND Frezzer pallies and shockers share a synergy, so voi la! heres the result!!
20- Holy Shock
20- Resists Lightning (syn. for shock)
20- Salvation (same as above)
20-Resist Cold (syn for freeze)
5- holy shield, will explain later why so low
1 into prereqs
Armor-COH, great armor, resits, skills, everything a pally needs
-40s elite armor with good stats and 45/5 cold facets, as a replacement if u cant get COH
Weapon 1-DOOM berzerker axe, this is where you get Holy freeze from. NO substitutes. (unless u decide to use war spike as base weapon)
weapon 2-CTA/demon limb, this is for BO and enchant. Limb is optional but i reccoment using it for enchant.
Shield- eth exile protector/vortex shield. the base shield you use is up to you but eth exile is NEEDED for this build as he has little defense with a small HS level
gloves- Uped lava gouts/Laying of hands for ias, as you wont be using fanatasicm. possibly you could use nice crafted/rare gloves with ias.
boots- eth treks would be best, as they give to vita. you might say, no gored pwnz0r eth treks on melee! but this char is doing almost total elemantal dmg. go critical strike wont to anything
belt- Verdungos. hands down. you should have t-gods as well in case u some across a cs zon or a pure shockadin.
Helm-cham/ber COA. done deal
Rings- anjelics (as ou wil have a pathetic AR without them)/ravens, wisps (for abosrbs of pesky creatures/characters.)
Amulet-if your using anjelics (which i HIGHLY reccomend)then use anjelics ammy (duh). if not..use maras (as high as you can afford)
Charms-anni, AURA skillers (both defensive and offensive), 2-3 combat
Strength- Whough for COH/COA or 40s armor
Dexterity- enough for max block (around 127)
Energy-Why Bizzard even keeps this stat here is beyond me..put points here and ill hunt you down and break your LOD cd.
FAQ (only one question lol)
Why is this build good?
- this build is good because as we all know MOST characters who use a songle element for their main damage doesnt fare too well in pvp. SO I said, hey doom gives you holy freeze, and Shocker pallys can generate a lot of damage, AND Frezzer pallies and shockers share a synergy, so voi la! heres the result!!