If you play on a high population server, that may be the reason for the lag and random disconnects, It could also be something with your connection or computer.
About the server shutdown, it was for fixing exactly this problems youre having and in most servers it was just 30 mins, I wuld rather not play 30 mins and have the servers working better after than playing those 30 mins and lag a lot, it was just bad luck that you were doing VC, but some ppl were doing other stuff that are harder and also got disconnected, you can always wait in westfall for another VC group and hope you can finish it, if this is very annoying for you you could change servers to a low pop, but for that you will have to make new chars, so thats the price, i lpay on sargeras, its high pop, it dosent have that much problems, sure some loot lag but its not so annoying.