Originally posted by Master Virus
Easier way:
Current player acumulates atmost 100 minerals
set resource: Add 1 mineral
preserve trigger (If you have hyper trigger on, it's going to be totally different)
current player kills 1 zergling
set kills score to 0
give 15 minerals
preserve trigger.
This is mostly right.
The first one needs to be at least 99.
If you use at least 100 it will fire once it reaches 100 and stop at 101.
The money for your zergling kill is one of the most upsetting trigger gaps in SC. If you use “current player KILLS AT LEAST 1 zergling. Combined with a preserve trigger then it will continue to give you minerals after you kill the first zergling. Killing is like murder, once you have killed some one the fact that you killed 1 guy doesn’t go away, so the conditions will continue be true even after the trigger has run. In short the trigger condition for kills refers to the total amount killed, not the act of killing the unit. Anyways for your solution, There are 2 main ways to do this kind of trigger and trade offs for both.
The first uses Kill SCORE, Kill score is a specific amount of points you get for killing a unit. This is the number that is displayed in your end game credits. The amount of points you get per unit is generally the minerals + the gas cost of the unit. So a zergling is worth 50 kill score. So you can make a trigger like this.
-Force 1 (human force)
-Kill score for current player is at least 50
-Subtract 50 kill score for current player
-Add 15 Minerals for Current Player
-Preserve Trigger
Now there are two main things that can go wrong with this.
1) Since kill score does not recognize what unit you killed to receive the points your trigger may think you killed 2 zerglings when in fact you killed something like a overlord. Or several other units that reward you 50 kill score points. So because of this I wouldn’t suggest this unless you know the only unit your going to be killing is Zerglings.
2) If you kill a bunch of units fast then it will take a while for you to receive your minerals, because of the rate triggers fire. (depending on if you are using hyper triggers or not)
Now for your second method, This is more like what Master Virus Said but a few important changes.
-Force 1 (human players)
-Current Player kills at LEAST 1 zergling
-set resources, add 15 minerals for current player (DO NOT PRESERVE)
-Force 1 (human players)
-Current Player kills at least 2 zergling
-set resources, add 15 minerals for current player
Continuing with the pattern.
This method is perfectly accurate no matter what your situation, and of course the only draw back is you have to make one trigger for EVERY value you want to receive minerals for, and that can be alot. There is a program that does this trigger specifically called SC Trigger but I am assuming your afraid to download such things and you will just have to do it manually. Yes it sucks but it’s the best way.
Anyways in conclusion these two triggers told you have several different variations, (mainly the first one), and you can see advanced mapmakers argue about it for hours about it. But the trigger is highly circumstantial and people want to find one that works for every map.
Well hope this helps - Bolt_Head