i just got email form guy named Leighrose15
here is original email:
This is a message from leighh at Battle Forums ( ). The Battle Forums owners cannot accept
any responsibility for the contents of the email.
To email leighh, you can use this online form:
OR, by email:
This is the message:
Hi there!
If your intrested in a working dupe program please reply!!!
he said he selling it for more no less.....
he has 6 working dupe methods.. which include 4 lagg methoids, 2 proggy which take 25sec 2 do....all 100% won't be patched at least 2-3 months..... i asked him 2 give DEMO.. he was like "NO.. i have a lot cusomers so far..and no1 even ever asked for DEMO.. and all they happy...
i pretty sure it's SCUM andd BULLSHIT...unless any1 wonna check this out.. ^^:madatu
just telling u... incase if he emaild not only for me.. or 2 any1 else... keep in MIND...BULLSHIT
if he had that many clients.. every1 'd know about new DUPE seller very fast...and even in channel there'd be more trading msgs.. about selling and trading..... so i dunoo..
WUT u guys thinking of??:fencing :shoot
here is original email:
This is a message from leighh at Battle Forums ( ). The Battle Forums owners cannot accept
any responsibility for the contents of the email.
To email leighh, you can use this online form:
OR, by email:
This is the message:
Hi there!
If your intrested in a working dupe program please reply!!!
he said he selling it for more no less.....
he has 6 working dupe methods.. which include 4 lagg methoids, 2 proggy which take 25sec 2 do....all 100% won't be patched at least 2-3 months..... i asked him 2 give DEMO.. he was like "NO.. i have a lot cusomers so far..and no1 even ever asked for DEMO.. and all they happy...
i pretty sure it's SCUM andd BULLSHIT...unless any1 wonna check this out.. ^^:madatu
just telling u... incase if he emaild not only for me.. or 2 any1 else... keep in MIND...BULLSHIT
if he had that many clients.. every1 'd know about new DUPE seller very fast...and even in channel there'd be more trading msgs.. about selling and trading..... so i dunoo..
WUT u guys thinking of??:fencing :shoot