BattleForums Senior Member
what do i do? (I changed the subject name)
the day right b4 winter break started, i wrote a letter to this girl i liked for the whole school year. in the letter i wrote that i liked her, and i wanted to get to know her better. i gave my ph# and e-mail, and i had no response from her. what should i do once i go back to school in 3 days, ignore her, talk to her, what? i don't know why i'm asking for love advice in a gamer forum. i guess i'm desperate. please reply to this thread.
the day right b4 winter break started, i wrote a letter to this girl i liked for the whole school year. in the letter i wrote that i liked her, and i wanted to get to know her better. i gave my ph# and e-mail, and i had no response from her. what should i do once i go back to school in 3 days, ignore her, talk to her, what? i don't know why i'm asking for love advice in a gamer forum. i guess i'm desperate. please reply to this thread.