Personaly, even if I like and usually play zerg, I think it's the weakest race, atleast in BW, or maybe im wrong, maybe terran is the strongest, but no, i think zerg is the weakest. I watched some replays ZvT like Yellow and BlackMan or somethin, and they play awesom, but still, i can't look when watching how some tanks, M&M and few SV own zerg. The only way zerg wins in those situations is leting terran destroy everything in his path and saving time by bothering him with lurker drops or something and expanding until terran runs out of his resources and gives up which is very hard, i mean to be good with zerg takes way more practice than other races... maybe im wrong, aka will say im wrong but i really think so. Terran and protoss should be weakened a bit or zerg should have some new units or something =[
here some i think overpowered things:
> M&M, medics should heal slower, but the gay thing is, stim packs with medics, there either should be a limit of stims for every marine or marines would need some time after stim, ex: they would have energy and when it's full, they could stim. ...OR
...there could be such thing as overdosing =]] marine would die or his shooting rate and walking would decrease or HP ir somethin...
> PSI, zerg is for massing, how can you mass when he has 3 PSI storms or more for 50/150 ??? damage should be either lower or damage area smaller.
Or maybe it should cost about 150 energy...