@G37Z there is a official stickied thread for useast sc nl pricechecks but since i am here i will do you a favor...
pally defence aura gc-nothing
gores- little-1/2 a soj depends on how bad a person wants them
soh- worth nothing they easy to get and don't do anything that can be proven by the game script
sorc torch-depends on the stats... i suggest trading only for other class torches... its just safest
isted occy- maybe 1-2 sojs depends on the buyer honestly a true mf'r uses 6 ist crystal or dual ist alibaba
bp nigma- 3 sojs
shako-1/2 soj equivalent to the price of gore riders
@Pat420 if you need a price check post it in a separate thread or post it in the official stickied thread obviously you provided this man no information regarding his thread topic