I know there have been a lot of questions about this, and various tutorials with varying degrees of reliability.
I've known how to do this for a long time, but I held back on telling people about it because it was going to be one of the impressive features of StarForge and I didn't want to steal its thunder.
In any case, I've decided that since StarForge is taking so long to get finished, I'll release a program I made several months ago for adding "free sounds" to starcraft maps. At the same time, I will open up to the public the new Team StarEdit site, which is also the future home of StarForge. We have a forum, but I doubt it will ever match the population of this one. Mostly it will be used for bug reports, comments and suggestions for my programs.
Without further ado, I give you Team StarEdit!
The Free Sounds program is on the editors page. Be sure to click the 'help' button and read instructions carefully, especially on the first time running the program, because it will be setting registry options. Enjoy!
I've known how to do this for a long time, but I held back on telling people about it because it was going to be one of the impressive features of StarForge and I didn't want to steal its thunder.
In any case, I've decided that since StarForge is taking so long to get finished, I'll release a program I made several months ago for adding "free sounds" to starcraft maps. At the same time, I will open up to the public the new Team StarEdit site, which is also the future home of StarForge. We have a forum, but I doubt it will ever match the population of this one. Mostly it will be used for bug reports, comments and suggestions for my programs.
Without further ado, I give you Team StarEdit!
The Free Sounds program is on the editors page. Be sure to click the 'help' button and read instructions carefully, especially on the first time running the program, because it will be setting registry options. Enjoy!