The people who made money on Saw I, II, and III decided to make yet another gay sequel to keep that gravy train running. Not all THAT confusing, happens a lot these days.what the **** happened
im so confused
Thanks, spoiler saw IV was disgusting. the knife vs face thing was nasty
i liked the ending
im a bit confused to as how the guy from the 3rd movie was in this movie, in the same room with jigsaws cut up body and his dead wife...when at the start of the movie jigsaws undergoing an autopsy?
was that a flashback or somethin
Well if you can explain then. plz do... PM me because whenever I think about it I can angry.@Speaker: Yes, the autopsy scene is a "flash-forward", and it's repeated again at the end of the movie.
Thank you, for posting three times without actually saying a thing.It'll probably be a good movie to rent one night...
No surprise.theyre making 2 more