Saving and loading other maps



errr i have to rewrite all this cuz for some reason i dont think it saved my post, but i was asking if how u save a unit is with game cache by creating one, saving to that one and then restoring later. If it something like that then ill figure it out if not plz tell me how to save people and if its possible to save other things like buildings/items/doodads etc. But i was also wandering if its possible to have a person step onto a regien and have it load another map iv seen it done in a custom campaigne, but if u could tell me how that would be great and also if its possible on a mutiplayer map where others are on the map as well. thx


BattleForums Addict
Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
You cannot cache over multiplayer maps. However... you can cache in that multiplayer map and restore the cache in the same game... but not over different games... to keep data stored between games you need to make a string that "stores" information (a save code).

Also you can have the region thing to transfer to another map... try Game - Set next level (MAPNAME), then do Game - Victory (Skip Dialogs and stuff)


alright well could u plz give an example of how to do a string because iv never messed with those....and i did what u said wit the region lvl transfer and it just sits there and then kicks me out is there somethign else i need to do or to the map im loading too?

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