BattleForums Member
Hey guys i quit using map hack on the last ban in 1.9. And im getting kinda bored so if i decide to use 1 , what's the safest. If there is any safe 1
, like taking out some of the add on's. Please reply thanks Smilez 
it is c3pO, doesnt mousepad require a fee also?Netxenur said:c2p0 or is you wanna pay gay ass $$ get mousepad.
I guess that is right, yes it is also client side but then i guess their lazy bunch of peoples that doesnt care on upgrading their servers are implementing an anti cheat device.raDixGhost said:stop talking about warez!!
And AndrewxChau trust me blizzard will care if your messing with their servers, but maphacks dont, its client side. Blizzard can check if you're computer is using it but thats extra work that their servers are doing, which they could be spending on the actual game.