When looking to use Zpickit with the C3PO MH, you're going to need to use the D2 Loader feature, instead of playing the game and then trying to work the program.
The setup for the process should look something like this:
Window Title: Mode: CDKey File(*.mpq): Other Options:
D2(Win) Win _________ -noplugin
D2(Full) Full _________ -noplugin
D2Loader Win _________ -plugin
D2Loader Full _________ -plugin
The D2 window title's are both optional, along with the D2Loader window mode.
The -plugin is required for the loader to properly load Pickit.
The Zpickit file's are required to be in the plugin folder in the D2 Directory.
Requirements for this process to work:
Onlyers D2Loader pack(or loader only)
C3PO MH by Dan_Goon
Zpickit/Clite By Zoid/CoolMisson
There will then appear a message asking you to Abort, Retry, or Ignore.
To load the R2D2 from C3PO, click on the ignore button twice.
If one is unable to achieve the intended results, may PM me or may use either MSNMessenger/YIM to contact me.
The setup for the process should look something like this:
Window Title: Mode: CDKey File(*.mpq): Other Options:
D2(Win) Win _________ -noplugin
D2(Full) Full _________ -noplugin
D2Loader Win _________ -plugin
D2Loader Full _________ -plugin
The D2 window title's are both optional, along with the D2Loader window mode.
The -plugin is required for the loader to properly load Pickit.
The Zpickit file's are required to be in the plugin folder in the D2 Directory.
Requirements for this process to work:
Onlyers D2Loader pack(or loader only)
C3PO MH by Dan_Goon
Zpickit/Clite By Zoid/CoolMisson
There will then appear a message asking you to Abort, Retry, or Ignore.
To load the R2D2 from C3PO, click on the ignore button twice.
If one is unable to achieve the intended results, may PM me or may use either MSNMessenger/YIM to contact me.