I appologize since I can see this question has been asked a lot, but I have read lots of the threads and none of them have answered the question I am going to ask.
I followed these steps. I boot up 2 windows of diablo and log in to one, then when I go into the 2nd window it says my cd-key is already in use. It appears that the new cd-key i entered using CDKey Refiller is being used by both windows. So how do I fix this?1. Get the CDKey Refiller here:
(link by coolmission)
(Makes an .mpq file with the 2nd CD key)
2. Unzip the files somewhere (Diablo2 folder).
3. Edit auto-cdkey.reg file with Notepad.
owner=The name that will show up if someone try to use ur key
d2cdkeympq=The filename the Diablo classic cd keys will store in. (cdkey.mpq)
d2xcdkeympq=The filename the Diablo Lod cd keys will store in (cdkey.mpq)
d2cdkey= EnterYourDiabloClassicKey
4. Copy the cdkey.mpq file to your Diablo2 folder.
5. Open d2-cdkey.exe file and refill both keys.
6. Download "D2Loader" here:
(Makes it possible to load more then one Diablo2 game)
7. Extract the files (Diablo2 Folder).
8. Make a backup of your Diablo2.exe file.
9. Move the Diablo2.exe file from D2loader folder to your Diablo2 folder.
This is how I did it and it´s works fine for me.
If you wanto run two Diablo 2 games create 2 shortcut´s to the diablo2.exe and in the first write -w in the command line and write -w -mpq cdkey.mpq in the other shortcut command line.