Im not much of a noob,but. What is the best way to get runes and what can i get with ko,ko,lum,lem,gul.Also what is the easiest to make good character? I have a hammer but i need another character to get items.
If you got a hammerdin strap on some mf gear onto him and he will be fine at magic finding.
Are you ladder or non? This will help alot with runewords. To find runes its all random on what drops, but countess can get 1-3 in a drop while forge
always drops 1.
Im nonladder us west. My gear is helforge guardian angel. shako, antlantian, liddless, infernostride, some lame gloves, and string of ears. do u think that is any good? and what can i do to raise my resistances?
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