Role Playing Project. I have about 3 week to do a project. It's about role playing and i figured, heh most of you guys are role players and i dont know anything about rping so lend me a hand. (i'd put this in role playing section but im not sure if it fits...move it later if u want.)
So this is wut the project is like.
Lets pretend we are earthlings liveing on earth in the year 2030 nd we have a time machine and we can travel 600 years in time. Oh and we are students in some special class. so we have to like go back in time to the middle ages of europeand see if thers anything we could change that might result in the recently achieved world peace and prosperity of 2030. '
the we have to write a report, make a title page, and try to make changes so that peace will coem sooner b4 2030.
So now, throw your ideas at me. ps- i dont know what the f*ck how to role play.
So this is wut the project is like.
Lets pretend we are earthlings liveing on earth in the year 2030 nd we have a time machine and we can travel 600 years in time. Oh and we are students in some special class. so we have to like go back in time to the middle ages of europeand see if thers anything we could change that might result in the recently achieved world peace and prosperity of 2030. '
the we have to write a report, make a title page, and try to make changes so that peace will coem sooner b4 2030.
So now, throw your ideas at me. ps- i dont know what the f*ck how to role play.