Well, i am a huge fan of any Square-Enix game, including the FF series. And i plan on buying Star Ocean (Once it hits Australian shores in October). Before i delve into how i play, can someone tell me if Star Ocean is worth the buy? And if they have played Drakengard or Front Mission 4 and if those two are any good? I'm pretty pumped on buying them, but i'd prefer not to waste money on dodgy games.
Anywho, the way i game is rather elementary (No, no pun here). I hate magic, especially black magics. It takes time to cast, which is annoying, and most of the time, it's more effective to use a different character and attack.
So, for me, i just go offensive, i use one or two skills at the beginning of the match (Such as Hastega or Beserk), then i just attack and attack and attack, until my HP is mega-low, then i heal.
Or i just wait till the person dies. Heh, works for me