I prefer the Wii's Virtual Console because the greats there can be less expensive than on eBay, and I personally hate the free way
Every "free way" game I have I also own a copy of or seek a copy of. Like Tales of Phantasia (never released in its original SNES version), I own the GBA release. The SNES version is still funnier, however =/
Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI are the best FF games released to date. They were called 2, *skipped* and 3 when they hit the SNES. I'm still waiting for the
original Star Ocean to be released State-side. The SNES version is still my favorite, and I enjoyed 2 and 3. We
cannot forget about Crono Trigger or Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Those are among Squaresoft's best releases, but the original poster mentioned those so
Pan/Mike mentioned Breath of Fire, but he forgot Breath of Fire II. Oh Mike... Tales of Symphonia is a GameCube title... It's a great game, but doesn't quite fit this topic.
There were lots of Japan-only releases that I wish would see daylight State-side. Considering there are rumors that Nintendo might translate a few of them for Virtual Console...at least I have hopes. Like a few of the anime-based ones.