Resident Evil: The Survivors


BattleForums Addict
May 25, 2003
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someone made this, i didnt, read it :)

Chapter 1

They were just outside. He could hear they’re moans. They were hungry; they wanted him. He had taken shelter in the video rental store nearly three days ago, but food was beginning to run short, and he did not know how much longer he could last. The video rental store was on the far east side of a small outdoor shopping center, and on the opposite side was a grocery store, neighbored by a hardware store, these were the only stores that seemed to have any use to him in his particular situation.

After he crashed his car in the shopping center’s parking lot, trying to escape a swarm of living dead, he soon realized that the dead had also been roaming around this shopping center. They were everywhere, he would have ran to a more useful store, but he was panicking and the video rental store was the closest enclosed area. Before he made a dash to the shop, he grabbed the baseball bat in the back seat of his now burning car, he also grabbed a backpack full of food he had collected from his home before the dead had broke in and forced him to run.

When he first entered the rental store, he locked the door, he didn’t know if these ‘zombies’ as he referred to them as, were smart enough to use a doorknob, but he was not willing to take a chance. He thought he was safe, until he heard the moans again. They were close; they were inside the store. There had to be two or three of them at least. He dropped his backpack and readied his baseball bat; he waited at the door, because he feared venturing any further into the shop.

It seemed like hours he waited at the door, maybe it really was, he lost track of time after a while. Maybe the zombies didn’t know he was there. If that were so, then he’d end up waiting there until nightfall, when he’d start to get tired and maybe even fall asleep, and if he did, the zombies may hear his loud snoring, and attack him while he was sleeping. He couldn’t allow this to happen. His only chance for survival would be to venture further into the shop, and dispatch the zombies without too much injury.

Very slowly and stealthily, he walked forward. The moans grew louder as he came closer. He could easily tell that one of them was in the nearby aisle on the far left. Before venturing through the aisle, he took a peek around the corner from the aisle shelf. That’s where he saw it, the living dead abomination. It had actually found something to occupy itself with. It seemed that it has somehow found three limbs, (two arms and a leg,) somewhere in this store, probably belonged to one of its previous employees. It apparently wanted to eat all three, but could only carry one limb in one hand at a time. He would continuously drop a limb from one of his hands so he could pick up the additional limb on the floor, but then that would leave the first limb now lying on the floor. The zombie must have been repeating this process endlessly.

He readied his baseball bat, and slowly advanced down the aisle. The zombie continued to drop and pick up the limbs. He got so close to the zombie that he could smell him (which really wasn’t that hard). The zombie was preoccupied, so it did not notice him as he raised the bat over his head for a powerful attack. The bat came smashing down over the zombie’s head.

He had never killed anyone ever before. This being his first time, it was quite an emotional experience. Since the zombie’s flesh was rotting, the attack from the baseball bat literally exploded his head. In a haze of blood, he finally realized what he had done. Vomit exploded its way out of his mouth. This made a lot of noise, and he could tell this would attract the remaining zombies in the shop.

He was right. There where two zombies remaining in the shop, both of them women. Judging by their uniforms and nametags, it was obvious that they used to work here. It was so sad for him to look at these young women, knowing that they used to have lives of their own, now they are reduced to just piles of flesh, with only hunger as a motivation to survive. They were coming towards him, and he still felt sick from his first kill. He found that he no longer had any strength in his arms. He would not be able to effectively swing at them as weak as he was. An idea suddenly dawned on him like the rising sun. Instead of fighting them, he decided to lure them down the long aisle until he was out.

When he was outside the aisle, the two women were still inside, slowly chasing after him. He willed himself to summon strength within him that he never knew he had. He charged the outer aisle shelf the way a linebacker would charge the defense. He hit the shelf with his shoulder, effectively knocking it over on top of the two young women. They were now stuck under the shelf, yet they still moaned and tried to crawl free. Their hunger for him was so great; they would never give up their pursuit of him until they were dead. Since they were temporarily stuck, he took advantage of the situation and slaughtered them both with his baseball bat.

Two days later, he finds he is running out of food, and the stench of the bodies was becoming steadily unbearable. Soon, he would have to make a run for the grocery store outside, across the shopping center, or he would starve to death. A hardware store neighbored the grocery store, perhaps he could better equip himself there if he found time. It was only a two hundred yard dash, but with all those zombies standing in the way, it would seem like two hundred miles. He didn’t know what he would do, soon, he would start to feel the hunger eating away at him. If he didn’t make it to the grocery store fast, then he would have to do it later when the hunger would slow him down. Now was the time, he had to think of something quick.

After nearly an hour of sitting and planning, he finally realized that he did not know what he would do. He started thinking back to the first zombie he killed. He remembered the feeling of bashing his head with the baseball bat. It sickened him; it sickened him to know that he actually, enjoyed it. He enjoyed the feeling of taking life, well, taking the life from the dead. Something about it was just so exhilarating; he wanted to do it more. He wanted to kill more.

While thinking about his first kill, he suddenly had a thought. He remembered the zombie and its dilemma with the three severed limbs. It craved meat, it needed it to satisfy its hunger. He remembered that those three limbs were still there, in the aisle.

For the past two days since he killed the three zombies, he never went back to the particular aisle where he killed them because of the memories it aroused and the stench it brought, but he needed those three limbs. He lifted the aisle shelf up off the zombies, now covered in random videos. He brushed away the videos to find what he was looking for, the two arms and the leg.

There was no time to think, just react; he had to get to the grocery store. First he unlocked the door and took a peak outside to the parking lot to see just how many zombies he was going to be dealing with. There were about one to two hundred of them in all roaming around the parking lot. It was time to out time plan into action. From the door of the video rental store, he tossed the three limbs off to one side of the parking lot, opposite that of the grocery store. He then readied his baseball bat, and ran out the door into the parking lot. His plan had worked. All the zombies had swarmed the three limbs; they even fought among themselves for a piece of the meat. When three zombies got a hold of the three limbs, they all stopped fighting and went on with their random roaming. They were to late however, because by the time they started free roaming again, he had already reached the grocery store door.

He tried to open the door, but it seemed to be locked. It was obvious to him why; there must have been other survivors inside the shop. The zombies began to swarm closer to him. “Help! Help! Open up!†he yelled at the door. The zombies were only about twenty feet away from him now. “Help me god damn it! I swear to god I’ll ****ing smash the windows in if you don’t! I refuse to die alone!†At that very moment, the door opened up and an arm grabbed him and pulled him in, just in time too, because just seconds later, the zombies began to pound at the door.


BattleForums Addict
May 25, 2003
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He stood before his rescuer. It was a man, about average height, and he was wielding a bloody machete. “My name is Mark,†he told him as he held his right hand out in front of him for a handshake. “Names Chris,†he said to Mark accepting his handshake. “How long have you been here Mark?†asked Chris. As he looked around, he noticed that there were many bodies piled up in the center of the store, they all seemed to be cut in one way or another. “About three days now,†replied Mark. “I been in the video rental store across the parking lot for about the same amount of time,†said Chris, “what are we going to do now?â€

“Well, of all the people I’ve killed here, I could only find car keys on one of them. From the roof, I pressed the unlock button and could see a car not far from here light up in the parking lot. If you really ran from the video store to here, you must have some tricks up your sleeve. We may be able to use those tricks to make it to the car,†Mark said. “Well, I do have an idea, let me borrow your machete,†Chris replied. Mark did not understand what Chris would need his blade for; he even suspected betrayal. With that in mind, Mark replied, “why don’t you just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.â€

Chris could see that Mark didn’t exactly trust him yet, and he could understand, being that they just met about three minutes ago, and that Chris threatened to take Mark down with him if he were to die. He decided to play things Mark’s way. “Okay, fine, find a body and cut off one of it’s limbs, I really don’t care which one,†said Chris. Mark stared at him with the “Are you ****ing kidding me?†look, however Mark was not willing to relinquish his weapon to a total stranger. Mark decided to do as Chris said. He walked over to the pile of bodies in the center of the store, and dragged one of them off to the side. It took him about ten minutes, but he managed to cut free one of the bodies’ arms.

Holding the spare arm in his left hand and feeling very nauseated, Mark asked “Okay, now what?†Remembering the whole point in which Chris came here, he told him, “Wait just a few minutes, we’re going to need some food if we’re going to make any kind of trip, help me grab anything that doesn’t need to be cooked.†Mark was slightly angry knowing that the arm hacking could have been put off for about ten to fifteen minutes, that would have given him the time to brace himself so he wouldn’t feel sick afterwards, he left the arm on the floor near the front door.

Chris found a burlap sack full of potatoes. He dumped the potatoes on the floor, knowing that they could rot, but he kept the sack, it made for good storage. Mark did as Chris, thinking it was actually quite a good idea. Chris and Mark walked side by side down every aisle, looking for anything they could take with them on their trip. Everything that still remained on the shelves was not what Chris and Mark were looking for. Everything could either rot over time or had already rotted. After searching for quite some time, they finally came across a shelf full of beef jerky. This was perfect, a food that can never rot, and actually did not taste horrible. Chris and Mark each filled their sack about half way full of beef jerky, they would have filled them more, but there was no beef left on the shelf.

Chris and Mark were not yet done. They continued searching down each aisle for anything useful; they both still had half a sack to fill. After more searching, they came across a rather large shelf full of bottled water. Chris and Mark filled the last half of their sacks full of bottled water and tied them shut. “We got everything we need now, grab the arm and ready yourself at the front door.†Mark did as Chris asked, they both stood at the door.

“Are you ready?†asked Chris. Mark nodded; words were not necessary at this point in time to him. “Okay, do you remember where the car is? I don’t want to run out there and not know where I’m going,†said Chris. Mark, yet again, nodded. “Okay, whenever your ready, toss the arm away from wherever the car is, then you run towards it, and I’ll follow you.†Mark did not nod this time, he probably had figured out the plan already, but said nothing.

Mark opened the door, and tossed the arm far away from the parking lot. Chris and Mark waited a few seconds to let the zombies swarm, and then they ran. Mark was ahead, leading the way for Chris. They didn’t even make more then ten steps before Chris realized what they were missing out on. He looked back and remembered the hardware store.

“Mark! Change of plans! Follow me!†yelled Chris. Mark seemed dumbfounded, but a zombie had already gotten a hold of the arm and the rest of them started to swarm towards Chris and Mark. He didn’t argue. Chris was first inside the hardware store, Mark soon followed. The moment Mark ran through the doors, Chris slammed them shut and locked them. They weren’t exactly home free, but coming here would pay off.

The store seemed like it was already cleaned out, probably raided before the zombies became as serious as they were now. However, there were still a few items left behind. A box of nails particularly caught Chris’ eye. Without saying anything, he walked over to see if the box was empty. It was his lucky day; it was brand new, still sealed. He ripped it open to find shiny, brand new six-inch nails. He turned around, expecting to see Mark, but he wasn’t there.

There was a moment of panic, but soon he heard a crash in the back of the store, followed by an “Oops…†Mark was already looking for anything useful. The panic drained from Chris, so he continued his search. The box of nails said that there were sixty in a box. He had a brilliant idea. He quickly began to look for a hammer, or anything that could be used as a hammer. He didn’t find a hammer, but he did find a sturdy block of wood. Chris walked over to the back of the store where he found a workbench. He laid his baseball bat along the workbench and began. He pulled a nail from the box and hammered it into his bat using the block of wood. He was careful not to make any chips in his bat. After nearly ten minute, Chris had a baseball bat full of twelve nails, facing each direction.

When Chris finished upgrading his bat, Mark suddenly came from somewhere in the back of the store, waving something in the air. “Look what I found!†he said triumphantly. When he took a closer look, Chris could see that it was an electric powered nail gun. God must have been with them that day. “It has a full battery, but I couldn’t find any nails,†said Mark. “Well, there’s forty-eight nails left in this box you can have them.â€

“Thanks…†replied Mark, something lit up in his face, almost as if he thought there might be a shred of hope for them. He took the nails and loaded as many as he could into the nail gun’s cartridge. The cartridge held twenty nails, Mark left the additional twenty-eight in the box. He put the box in his pocket.

Realizing that the “ammo†wouldn’t last very long, Mark said, “I think I’ll keep my machete also, I found a sheath for it in the back of the store.†“Good thinking,†replied Chris. Mark had not had a chance to see Chris’ new weapon, so when Chris got up from the table, revealing the bat, Mark said with astonishment, “Holy shit! That’s ****ing nice! Wanna trade? My machete’s pretty nice also, it even has a sheath!†“No, that’s okay, I think I’ll keep it,†said Chris, happy to see that his work was appreciated.

There was a problem with their situation now, however. After a thorough search of the store, they realized that there were no bodies. This means that they could not use their previous plan of tossing limbs. Chris and Mark both seemed to realized this at the same time. Chris stared at Mark and said, “You’re the only one who knows where the car is, you’ll have to lead the way. I’ll try to cover you best I can.†When Chris stared down at his bat and then at the door that was now being pounded on, he realized where Chris was getting at. “Here, take this,†said Mark, handing over the nail gun. “Thanks, you can have it back once we’re out of here.â€

Mark set his right hand on the doorknob; his left hand was on the deadbolt lock. Chris stood behind him with the nail gun. Mark was ready to quickly unlock the door and make a run fo the car, but he wasn’t sure if Chris was. He looked back at Chris, he could see the fear in his eyes. It was understandable, Mark was just as scared, but he tried his best not to show it. Mark asked, “Are you ready?†Chris nodded. With that, Mark quickly unlocked the door and ran out into the swarm. Chris followed close behind.


BattleForums Addict
May 25, 2003
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Chris could smell the rotting flesh of the dead. He didn’t let it cloud his mind. He kept his concentration on the distance of the zombies from himself and Mark. He could see about four of them standing in Mark’s path. Chris raised his weapon and fired. He struck one of the zombies in the head and it fell dead, again. He then shot at the second zombie and struck it in the shoulder, the zombie didn’t seem to care. Chris fire off another five nails into the zombie, of the five, one struck it in the head, killing it instantly. It dawned on Chris that this was just like the movies, only headshots count. He fired at the third zombie three times, aiming at the head. The first and last round missed, but the second was a direct hit between the eyes. Chris aimed at the last zombie in Mark’s path, but the realized he was too late. Mark had his machete raised over his head and brought it smashing down over the last zombies skull, a clean cut from the top of it’s skull to the center of it’s neck. It was then that Chris realized just how strong Mark was. Life seemed to dive into slow motion, giving Chris time to examine Mark. He realized that his arms where about twice is large as his own. He also realized that Mark was built remarkably like a football player, the extreme broadness of his shoulders gave this away.

Life then gave Chris a strong bitch-slap in the face. Chris realized that he wasn’t paying attention. What caught his attention once he spaced out was the stench of another zombie, standing about three feet away from him. Chris quickly raised the nail gun and fired a single round. Nothing happened. There was a loud snap, but nothing left the muzzle of the nail gun. Chris pulled the trigger again, nothing. The zombie was just in front of him now. Chris realized that he didn’t have time to fix the nail gun. He shoved it into the potato sack that had been slung over his shoulder this entire time. He then readied his upgraded baseball bat. The zombie held his arms in front of him, reminding Chris much of a certain Frankenstein. Chris brought the bat behind him, building up enough strength to hit one out of the park. The zombie opened its mouth, unleashing its sewer breath. Chris didn’t let this break his concentration. He swung at the zombie’s head with all his strength, crushing it in a haze of blood. When he pulled his bat free from the zombies’ head, he saw that the nails he put in his bat had put about three good sized holes in the zombie’s head.

Pride, yet again, got the better of Chris. He felt so powerful that he wanted to scream out a battle cry in triumph. Chris had spaced out again, what woke him this time, however, was the voice of Mark. “Hurry up! Get your ass over here!†he yelled at Chris. Chris was slapped back to reality. Mark was already at the car; all Chris had to do was make it there. Another swarm was approaching Chris; this time it was a swarm of about fifty zombies. Chris sprinted as fast as he could with all his items weighing him down. He made it to the car; it was a 2003 Mustang. Chris opened the backseat door and tossed all his items inside. He closed the door, and then ran over to the passenger seat on the opposite end of the car. As soon as Chris was safely inside, Mark hit the pedal. The car went in reverse and ran down a good number of zombies. Mark switched gears and drove out of the parking lot, going out of his way to run down as many zombies as he could. They made it out of the parking lot and onto the freeway.

Home free, for now…

i hope you can diregard the multiple posting, also, i bet most of you are wondering what this has to do with half-life mods...look below

Resident Evil: The Survivors came from Resident Evil: The Escape which is the new Half-Life mod coming out for those of you who didnt know, i believe this will be in the mod as the story, this is only chapter 1, is i get permission from a mod to post chapter 2 like this..ill do so..btw heres the official RE mod site

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