Resident Evil Outbreak 2


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
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Well it's out now. Has anyone played it yet? I'm a huge fan of the first Outbreak, since it was the first really innovative RE game since RE2. Playing online was a huge bonus as well. Purposely getting your infection rate to over 98% and then supressing it with medication until you were alone with someone, asking to see their weapon, and then allowing yourself to become undead and rip their throat out, that's just priceless.

I read that this new one has even more innovative features besides all the nice things that were added in the last one, like firing weapons while you walk/run. If anyone has played it yet, thoughts?

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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I saw it at EBgames and was tempted to buy it, but I will probably jsut rent it and finish it.
I liked Outbreak for some reasons, but I thought the cut up gameplay into scenarios and the characters were rather stupid. I would have prefered an online RE2!. that would kick ass.


Jul 11, 2003
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i played the first one,well i bought it actually,and liked it,then i sold it for 20$ cause i got stuck,and just never bothered to play it much.

ill probably rent outbreak 2


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
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I didn't like the cut up levels at first either, but I decided I could live with it because they had to do it for online play.

I did have one problem with it though. Please God, tell me they altered the ally AI to no longer enable the ability to TALK. Wow, I can't count how many times I went out of my way to kill my computer allies just so they'd shut the **** up. The whole 'ad lib' button was pretty lame in general, but it isn't like you had to use it, where as there was no way to shut the mouths of your talkative friends other than causing their demise.

I thought the multiple characters was an interesting change, but bringing all the same characters back for the second one seems stupid (which, as far as I know, is what they did). They weren't exactly deep characters which you were able to connect with, so I think they should have made a whole new cast of characters.

The game did have its shortcomings, but there were a lot of innovative features which I thought not only made up for it, but set it apart from 99% of other Resident Evil game. I'll start right at the best, my absolute favorite addition was the real-time menu. All by itself it added a deeper sense of realism, intensity, and overall skill. The infection rate was obviously an awesome addition as well, although I disliked that they removed damage. I'm hoping the second one left infection, and also brought back damage, so you have to worry about both factors.

There was the event checklist system, which was pretty cool, except for one thing: random events. The first scenario have 4 random events in it, at least one of which almost NEVER happens. I've played through that scenario at least 150 times trying to get the random scream to occur, and it's yet to happen. That really took a lot of appeal out of the game, because I'll never be able to get 100% without it, and it's random, which is lame. I don't think they should use random events on the checklists anymore.

I'd also be interested to know if the option for friendly fire has been added to single player. I would just love to put a bullet in my ally's head once in a while.

So, yeah, if anyone has played the new Outbreak, the four things I would really like to know are:

1. Do the computer allies still talk like they're being paid for words per second?
2. Do you have a life gauge and an infection gauge?
3. Are there any random events on any of the event checklists?
4. Is there an option to splatter your ally's brains on the wall in single player?


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