Remember SniperX D2Loader?



Dost thou remember SniperX's D2Loader that was for all of 1.09 verisons? It would pop up a lil box called Virtual Crack and have a LOD style to it and ask if you wanted Diablo2 Classic or Expansion, then what server to configure it before you launched the game?

Well, me and my friends liked that nifty loader and was wondering if there is an updated version that works with 1.10 or if anyone could update it themselves so it could work...?

EDIT: Please note I am aware of some new crack by "olyer" or whoever, but I am asking if anyone knows about the abovel oader. So please dont reply with a one lienr saying "Get Olyers" or "Read stickies".

EDIT: I have found out he has a website:
And he has cracks for War3 as well. He did make a crack for 1.10 beta, but I do not know yet if it works with full. I find out soon.

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