Rejection of a "normal" life


-=[ Retired BF Admin ]=-
Sep 17, 2002
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Once again I've been invited by some friends to go out and party with them. Girls, drinks, the kind of shit you'd think you wouldn't be tired of hearing, let alone doing at the age of 21, alas that is my curse.

I never truely was interested in going to parties and meeting new people. Perhaps it's part of the social behavior of my mother, at one minute screaming at me as loud as possible, the next picking up the phone and being a princess to all her friends. That might be what turned me away from being the socialable type. Someone that can easily mingle with other people in a social situation.

I prefer to keep to myself because I enjoy the calmness in being stationary. Observing in silence, and watching others as they make complete idiots out of themselves, or attempt to give the illusion of being an outspoken intellectual. While this statement alone could spark a debate in itself, I'll simply state that anyone outspoken, that claims to be an "intellectual", shows their arrogance in attempting to impress their views on others, while intimidating them with their so-called superiority.

My Argument:
Many have accused me in the time I've spent on BattleForums, that I'm not truley living. That I'm sitting in front of a computer, doing absolutely nothing.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

Many that accuse a person of something, often don't understand the actions that person is doing.

This is a newer age of electronics. Computers weren't as available to the public as they were when our parents were our age. As far as they know, they think we're sitting at home, typing meaningless garbage on our computers to friends we see everyday, or "THE OTHERS". Those people that are running rampant throughout the highways of the internet trying to steal social security numbers, credit card statements, and EBT numbers.

Through the glory that is the internet, I've learned more about other people's cultures, and ways of life by talking to people here, than I could ever have trying to make conversation with someone in real life.

Reason being my personality. In real life, I'd be too shy to ask a lot of questions or be friendly. I'm not normally an extremely friendly guy unless something extremely good is happening in my life.

Perhaps this is a character flaw of mine that I could try working out by getting out more often, but if life is something in which we're meant to improve on ourselves, and try to find happiness, I've found it through the things that I do on the internet. **** you if you think otherwise.

To be dead is to stand still. To never change, and not think.

I change everyday, and still experience emotions through coming here.

There's humor in The Void, stuff to zone out on in Chit-Chat without having to think much, and places like the Arcane Sanctuary for you to turn to when you're feeling thoughtful, depressed, or other.

People might laugh at this. Say I'm a loser. That's fine. In 20 years time, I highly doubt that'll still be the case. So long as the oil crisis doesn't escalate to the point where electricity becomes a rarity, I beleive global culture is going to change dramatically as computers become a more integral part of everyone's lives.

The people being raised to use computers grows exponentially every day. Schools for teaching people how to use computers will be a thing of the past.


Nothing special
Oct 15, 2002
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Seattle, WA.
Wow... you're almost exactly like me. I completely agree with everything... At my new school I dont really have any friends... because I am exactly like you.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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So, I'm not the only one thinking that it does not make any kind of sense when someone flames a person who likes to use the iNet as if they have no life...

I would also say that a frustrated 50 years old, with 10 children to feed, a woman that is uglier than a crab after being thrown from the skies by a seagull, and with lots of taxes to pay, does not have a life, because he has to do everything for the others... Made sense? Whatever the answer is, good.

coRty sir, you ain't no more nerdy than I ish :D


BattleForums Senior Member
May 10, 2003
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Many have accused me in the time I've spent on BattleForums, that I'm not truley living. That I'm sitting in front of a computer, doing absolutely nothing.
The few friends I do have always complain on how difficult I am and that my independance is very important to me. They constantly say I appear dull. With me it's not just just battleforums sucking up my time. I've always been looked at as a stupid loner with maybe a handful of people I talk to. People don't get my view's, a reason why I act like such an asshole. People only care to see one point of view or idea and that is there own. In the last 6 months I have seen an insane increase in self-absorbtion it's sick.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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coRtALoS said:
Once again I've been invited by some friends to go out and party with them. Girls, drinks, the kind of shit you'd think you wouldn't be tired of hearing, let alone doing at the age of 21, alas that is my curse.

I never truely was interested in going to parties and meeting new people. Perhaps it's part of the social behavior of my mother, at one minute screaming at me as loud as possible, the next picking up the phone and being a princess to all her friends. That might be what turned me away from being the socialable type. Someone that can easily mingle with other people in a social situation.

I prefer to keep to myself because I enjoy the calmness in being stationary. Observing in silence, and watching others as they make complete idiots out of themselves, or attempt to give the illusion of being an outspoken intellectual. While this statement alone could spark a debate in itself, I'll simply state that anyone outspoken, that claims to be an "intellectual", shows their arrogance in attempting to impress their views on others, while intimidating them with their so-called superiority.

My Argument:
Many have accused me in the time I've spent on BattleForums, that I'm not truley living. That I'm sitting in front of a computer, doing absolutely nothing.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

Many that accuse a person of something, often don't understand the actions that person is doing.

This is a newer age of electronics. Computers weren't as available to the public as they were when our parents were our age. As far as they know, they think we're sitting at home, typing meaningless garbage on our computers to friends we see everyday, or "THE OTHERS". Those people that are running rampant throughout the highways of the internet trying to steal social security numbers, credit card statements, and EBT numbers.

Through the glory that is the internet, I've learned more about other people's cultures, and ways of life by talking to people here, than I could ever have trying to make conversation with someone in real life.

Reason being my personality. In real life, I'd be too shy to ask a lot of questions or be friendly. I'm not normally an extremely friendly guy unless something extremely good is happening in my life.

Perhaps this is a character flaw of mine that I could try working out by getting out more often, but if life is something in which we're meant to improve on ourselves, and try to find happiness, I've found it through the things that I do on the internet. **** you if you think otherwise.

To be dead is to stand still. To never change, and not think.

I change everyday, and still experience emotions through coming here.

There's humor in The Void, stuff to zone out on in Chit-Chat without having to think much, and places like the Arcane Sanctuary for you to turn to when you're feeling thoughtful, depressed, or other.

People might laugh at this. Say I'm a loser. That's fine. In 20 years time, I highly doubt that'll still be the case. So long as the oil crisis doesn't escalate to the point where electricity becomes a rarity, I beleive global culture is going to change dramatically as computers become a more integral part of everyone's lives.

The people being raised to use computers grows exponentially every day. Schools for teaching people how to use computers will be a thing of the past.
[glow=red]II completely agree on the computer thing. Actaully i think it will go even farther. Humans will be integrated with computer systems. There is already a guy in UK who put a special device in his hand, now by waving his hand he can turn on/off a specially designed lam[, and computer. This will go farther, cultures will change and in next 30-50 years we will see first human who can control a computer with his mind. Possibilities are immense.[/glow]


Nov 12, 2003
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Beyond Religion and Science
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Most everything important that I know, whether it be history or current events, I have learned from the internet. Without having discussion with you guys, I would be much less knowledgeable about my political ideas and the other sides of religion. I have honestly become a better, more mature person. Sure, my friends and family laugh at me for it, but I really couldn't care less.

I can honestly say that, thanks to the internet, I am a responsible, sensible person. I dont need the social acceptance to think highly of myself. I really dont care what others think about me. I play computer games, so who gives a shit. If someone wont be my friend solely on the basis of my computer addiction, then they arent worth talking to.

I am in 100% agreeance with you. >:O


May 18, 2003
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As long as you are happy with who you are and how you are living your life, nothing anyone says should sway you to believe you need to be doing otherwise. Just because you don't "follow the crowd" doesn't make you different, it just makes them all the same.


BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 31, 2002
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Tonawanda BAby
Well I know I am a very active person and generaly am not shy at all.

I also have alot of friends, I still think loner's are only loner's becuase they havent been brought up to have the same kind of fun as everyone else.

Mabey you guys who hang by yourselves should try to get out a little bit more. Hell If you like hanging out by yourself w/e floats your boat. Live your life the way you want to live it.

I dont and wont stereo-type people over the internet cause I dont know you.

(none of that was ment to be an insult)


Oct 11, 2002
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coRtALoS said:
Many have accused me in the time I've spent on BattleForums, that I'm not truley living. That I'm sitting in front of a computer, doing absolutely nothing.

I disagree wholeheartedly.
As do i.

coRtALoS said:
Many that accuse a person of something, often don't understand the actions that person is doing.
Agreed. This happens to me as well.

coRtALoS said:
Through the glory that is the internet, I've learned more about other people's cultures, and ways of life by talking to people here, than I could ever have trying to make conversation with someone in real life.
To branch off on that quote, i reckon i have more friends online that will last longer than friends in real life.

coRtALoS said:
Reason being my personality. In real life, I'd be too shy to ask a lot of questions or be friendly. I'm not normally an extremely friendly guy unless something extremely good is happening in my life.
I'm quite the opposite, my personality is rather open and i do enjoy having a good conversation (Depends on who i am talking to though).

This is interesting to me, i am extremely open and i'm a carefree guy, but, as you say, you are shy, but we have crossed paths on the same internet site and have known each other for almost 2 years.

coRtALoS said:
Perhaps this is a character flaw of mine that I could try working out by getting out more often, but if life is something in which we're meant to improve on ourselves, and try to find happiness, I've found it through the things that I do on the internet. **** you if you think otherwise.
Don't try to do something in which you don't want to, to change. I <3 the coRt that i know.

coRtALoS said:
People might laugh at this. Say I'm a loser. That's fine. In 20 years time, I highly doubt that'll still be the case. So long as the oil crisis doesn't escalate to the point where electricity becomes a rarity, I beleive global culture is going to change dramatically as computers become a more integral part of everyone's lives..

On a serious note, a question to you coRtALoS: What do you do with your time other than being online?


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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I too spend a lot of time on the internet, when I don't have much to do, or come home from school, battleforums is a good place to go. If you look at one of my first posts you can tell I look like a complete moron. It has improved me and I am greatful as pissing lights off helps me learn about politics, but I much enjoy military debates :).

You are quite bright and knowledgable, all you really need is travel, I'm not talking about a thomas cook holiday, all wrapped up but the real places abroad not the tourist sites. It will broaden your mind, a week on battleforums or a week in a Portugal, 2nd thoughts wouldn't cross my mind.
Life really isn't about the computer, the computer is a tool, and a bloody good one at that. Many internet relationships can be more intense than other ones, you see the mind before the face, I know somone who has married someone off the internet because she knew his personality beforehand but if he was in a bar or someplace like that she wouldn't give second look to him. The best of luck to them but I wouldn't be too surprised if they broke up.
At slight obsession with the computer isn't bad, but if you have the money to go live in another country for a while do it, **** the forum. You really can't learn more about a culture than actually being there. If you have a few close friends that's ok, take them. My brother has ****ed up his life because of a anime adiction, bad grades, lazy, the works. Don't become like him?


May 19, 2003
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I can relate a lot to cort on this one, I spend much of my time on the computer, and am genrally very shy in real life. I have a small circle of friends (About 8 of us). We all like computers a lot and they are the only people i really feel comfortable around (out of my peers anyway).


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