Reiniserting the Isom Section

God Illuvatar

Aug 31, 2003
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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K some of you might remember me talking about my map. It's Helm's Deep (old yes, but I made it fun again). I guess what happened was that the guy unprotected the map, changed a few things (not the terrain) and renamed it and left it unprotected. I then took this map, and then completely remade it, using the terrain as the base. I used to be able to do terrain in Isom format, but now I can only do square terrain. Anyways, so now my terrain placing is screwed up (I use scxe). It goes in squared all the time. So does anyone know how to reinsert the Isom information into the .chk again? I think Heimdal said you need two maps that are basically the same (but I'm not sure). Can anyone help?

Bolt Head

May 20, 2003
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well there are several things you can do im not sure how well alot of it will work so back up your map before you start

1. Use the program ISOM and choice 16 as your number and ither byte or interger. I belive this may work.

2. Open the map in SF 2.0 and resave it. As you place a layer of terrain it will be sqaure but everything inside that sqaure will be isometric. So you will have to trace over the intire map. (same with one above)

3. Try SCM Draft and see if the terrain editor there works.

4. (i know this will work) Make a map, same tile set. And create a bunch of edges of terrain for templates. Then save and open the map in Star Forge and select sections of all the terrain boarders and make custom brushes out of it. Save the Brushes then open your map. You can use the custom brushes to artifically add cliff edges and stuff like that. If it helps you can have two maps open in SF and you can toggle between them using the Window menu and toggleing between them won't make you lose the custom brushes.


BattleForums Senior Member
Mar 18, 2004
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Very strange. Ive recently been working on an RpG that I started in SCXE using the normal diamond terrain, then I opened it in Starforge to add square tiles; when I opened it back up in SCXE, the terrain layor had the same problem as you did; it would only place it in 2x1 or more.

Heimdal has recently released Starforge 2.0 which successfully converts back and forth from square terrain to isom terrain. I then opened my RpG in Starforge 2.0, selected Isom terrain, placed some of that, then opened it again in SCXe, and vioLa! It placed diamond terrain again.

Maybe you should try the same. Bolt's last suggestion was good, but its kind of a bitch to make Isom'ish terrain out of a whole bunch of 1x1 terrain.

Bolt Head

May 20, 2003
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A bitch but it works and if nothing else does its ither do that or start over. Also you got more freedomes like double cliffs, and bending bridges. It would be bad if it is a small section but if you were making a whole map of it then it would suck.

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