Roach Of Discord said:
Private practice..I guess it's okay..but the idea of it bothers me. What if their morals were against fat people, or ugly people..or black people? I'd hate to think that people could legally be turned down because of something like that.
My argument against that would be that the democracy of capitalism would prevail. In a capitalistic society, people have the power to put their money where they want and can pressure the public against a business. Take Don Imus for example, he was the guy who got kicked off the air due to public pressure because he called a bunch of black basketball players "nappy headed hoes." He did nothing illegal, yet capitalism allows for organizations to pressure him, his business, his parent company, and everything else. If a doctor refused to treat someone because he was black, how long do you think it would take for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP, and their buddies to jump on it? And it's going to be like that for every minority group. As for myself, being in the majority that could probably be discriminated against with little action compared to minorities if what I want is implemented, I can live with that knowing that everyone in this country has that much more private property rights - it's a cause worth losing something for.
It's more than a matter of freedom of religion, but a matter of property rights. If someone owns a business, has a private contract with their employer, or something of the sort, they should be able to choose whoever they want to serve or not.