Red Faction 2


Nov 23, 2002
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I don't have the game but im planing to get it,i have heard and saw that the game is awsome,the game is a sequel to RF but the story line is totaly different, and so are the characters the weapons are different the enemys are different aswell the there are allot of things to shoot at, and the bosses are way different.
There are 4 kind of machines 1.a flying gun boat 2.a tank 3.a submarine 4. a assult robot they are fun to shoot with, and you are not the one who cottrols the way that they go, they do.
The weapons are really fun Alies (the main charater) can carry all of them at once, so you don't have to leave a weapn behind like halo you can't carry allot of weapons,the best weapon is the NICW
that weapon is modoled after the military weapon the OICW.
The multyplayer mode let's up to 4 players play and you can have bots in or play just the multiplayer ppl, It's too bad that the multiplayer mode can't be played online that would be cool.
The graphics are better there are more colours in it.
When things blow up they look real.
Just like RF you can blow wholes in the wall if u can fit with your
machines that's very cool.
If youn liked RF you will enjoy Red Faction 2 even if you have not played RF you will still like it.:)

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