Radiohead rant (you heard right)


Dec 30, 2002
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OK, as I saw on Amazon everybody's all like OMFGOZOR RAIDHEAD IS TEH BEST BADNT ON TEH PLNET!
well, theyre also saying that radiohead are so experimenting with their music and theyre going against THE ****ING TREND THESE PEOPLE ARE SEEING. screw that..
now, lets pull the shit out of our ears and actually listen to this piece of trash.
no problem, the whole thing about experimenting is BULLSHIT. this band thinks that their music is superior just because they use some distorted sample with a guitar or because this guy sounds like a retard on drugs when getting ALL RUSHED BY HIS FEELINGS, i cant believe this.
generally you can put their songs into some easy categories:
1) you have a VERY VERY light drumset and some random wannabe sad melody that in fact has no intensity in it. now punch the singer in the face and turn on the mic -bang, theres your song
2) you take a bunch of amatuer musicians and let them play something that sounds like its trying to be melodramatic. punch the singer.
then they put some random scratches or cuts in their songs and WOW MAN THATS SO EXPEREMTING, you can be so ****ing proud for not creating a pop-cd.
and that is it. theres no big mystery about this band, their music is not as great as people think. just because these guys dont use the same instruments in every song they make doesnt make theyre music great. in fact their music sucks ass, most of the time you have no change in the beat or melody, its all the same and this STUPID PIG guy singer thing sings. oh and the lyrics make no sense.
hell, you couldnt even use this music for a film or something, its just so boring and repetetive.
now some people claim their tracks are sad, depressing or touching them feelings, thats complete bullshit, the melodies these people offer are neither, theyre boring and have no influence at all. if you can feel a change of feelings from thsi music you are probably very sensetive and could get that from any type of music, youre not the one to classify a band as good or bad, you just wuv music in general.
hands down, radiohead are exploiting the fact that a lot of the bands out there use the same instruments and styles in every song they make. now they just throw together some random stuff and people buy their shit and think, omg i never heard that before, thats so great, when in fact these people just need to get their asses up and search for good music. ive heard tons of better bands, who actually know what music has to sound like, throwing together pieces of classical music with synthezisers, e-guitars and elements from jazz or soul. the music from radiohead is simply pathetic and the guys behind that name are probably jacking off at this very moment thinking about how great they are with their stupid ****ing way of throwing together random samples and instruments.
now listen to one of them ******s talking:
" Every track as mesmeric as it ever was in 1997 when this album affected us all in the most magnificent way imaginable."
you can see, this person has some serious issues. he could probably say exactly the same about ANY album that just claims to be 'sad'. give this guy a ballad from britney and he will cry you a ****ing river.
and wtf is this shit with this band being placed 6th in fhm's greatest albums of the decade? that has to be the worst joke ever:

4 U2- All that You Can`t Leave Behind
5 Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head
6 Radiohead - OK Computer
7 Coldplay - Parachutes
8 Prodigy - Fat of the Land

get a ****ing grip please, i cant believe i just read this. obviously people are dumber than ever before when you see this glorious selection of bullshit albums all cleverly stringed. if you go that mainstream its no wonder that a bunch of depressed homos will buy your cd and be surprised as to how many possibilites music has to offer. yeah theres more to it than a goddamn synthesizer but before you rate something like this, please turn off your tv, go to a shop and buy some real music. you have no right to give this disc a rating.
Now, when you arrived at your local cd shop move your ass back from R to M and grab a muse cd. its not that i dig their music most but at least they know what theyre doing.
when you say muse are experimenting guys, hell, youre not wrong at all, they could be doing better and more, but at least theyre not satisfied after successfully having put the most recent crap samples onto their tracks. theyre successfully trying to actually produce music, not some type of crap half-assed production that has a time limit of no more than 10 hours.

can you say gay. noone asked you to look depressed, we all know you got problems, now get your assed out of my camera.


Premium Member
Jul 16, 2003
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Well then...Never really got into them, I guess thats a good thing. ANd those best albums of the deceade arent too good imo.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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My Sanctuary
I didn't like any of those CD's to be honest with you =\ The only songs I like from Radiohead are Paranoid Android and Creep.


Dec 30, 2002
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Originally posted by jd-inflames
I didn't like any of those CD's to be honest with you =\ The only songs I like from Radiohead are Paranoid Android and Creep.
i feel exactly the same. paranoid android can be considered DECENT at the very most

" I guess thats a good thing"
I can assure you.

Do not buy music from Radiohead.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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I've never liked radiohead's sound or vocals..

dark riot

Sep 3, 2003
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Toronto, Canada
heh i like radiohead....but meh everyone's entitled to their own opinion


Jun 30, 2004
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Actually they're pretty ****ing talented my dear. Especially in their lyrics. But an entire album is too much.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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I've only ever listened to Hail to the Thief, and I kind of liked it. You're right that "experimentation" doesn't necessarily mean they aren't pop, but I liked the overall sound of the band more than I was fascinated by any experimentation that they may or may not have done.

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