Questions about triggers


Sep 13, 2006
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Hey i have some questions... What is the trigger that allows you to creat a supply depot or an academy or whatever have that building turn into a bunker and automatically fill with marines/firebats ext.. Also how do you enable wav looping so you can have a continous music playback? And finally.(few) how do you enable more then 1 probe/drone/scv to mine at one mineral field?:grunt


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Hey i have some questions... What is the trigger that allows you to creat a supply depot or an academy or whatever have that building turn into a bunker and automatically fill with marines/firebats ext.. Also how do you enable wav looping so you can have a continous music playback? And finally.(few) how do you enable more then 1 probe/drone/scv to mine at one mineral field?:grunt
See Attached Map...

About the "Mine at one mineral field" Its Called Stacking! Use SCMDraft to Stack minerals, and all other Buildings. You will have to go into Options - Units - Allow Stack in order to be able to Stack anything.

Music in a map is moronic if you ask me, but sounds are different. As long as they are NOT looped, I enjoy a good sound here and there in a map. If I join a game and music starts to play as soon as the map starts, I wait to see if it loops, if it does, I leave the game. It is a dumb idea to put music into a map. Period.


I actually recommend against music/sounds in maps as they (like switches) seem to increase file size quite a bit - causing longer download times.

But that's a preferance.


Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
ok were do i get that? I use starcraft x-tra editor and i only use starforge for square terrain... Could you list step by step how to eneable more then 1 drone or whatever to mine at 1 mineral feild? so i make a new map place a nexusus one drone a start location and i place 1 mineral feild type 3 beside the i enable more then 1 to mine it.. also if you can how do i modify the amount off resources the miners can carry.. such as insteade of reciving 8 minerals recieve 2 or something like that.. Plz list the steps in small retard steps cuase i have no idea what im doing... and by the way thanks nuetronhinc for the map above and adding stack to my other map;> now i know how to stack horray!:shoot


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
ok were do i get that? I use starcraft x-tra editor and i only use starforge for square terrain... Could you list step by step how to eneable more then 1 drone or whatever to mine at 1 mineral feild? so i make a new map place a nexusus one drone a start location and i place 1 mineral feild type 3 beside the i enable more then 1 to mine it.. also if you can how do i modify the amount off resources the miners can carry.. such as insteade of reciving 8 minerals recieve 2 or something like that.. Plz list the steps in small retard steps cuase i have no idea what im doing... and by the way thanks nuetronhinc for the map above and adding stack to my other map;> now i know how to stack horray!:shoot
Since you use StarForge, you can stack mineral fields in that as well. Simply place the mineral field, select it, right click on it, pick Stack... and enter the number of mineral fields you want stacked at that location. Word of warning though, if you have only two players in the map, you can stack up to 72 mineral fields per player, for four players you can only stack 48 per player, and six-eight, only 24 per player. Why? Because of the retarded unit limit per map, which is slightly above 1600, have too many minerals stacked, and you will get those "Cannot place more units!" error messages.

You CANNOT change how much minerals the SCVs/Drones/Probes can carry via a map editor, you need to make a mod in order to do that, and you are NOT ready for that.


Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
oh is that all you have to do???:lame ....... Huh.......OK i know how to do that....oh well about the amount that probes can carry though i have seen that in alot of maps and also from before i have to agree music loops in maps are retarded.:stereo


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