so,a friend of mine wrote me an .ini
but he isnt sure if everything is correct...
can u check it for me pls?
// ShopIt! BotIt! v. 3520
// by Ven0m
// uses ShopIt! from BMpwnIt version 1.57a
// by BlueMind & HolyCoitus, versions 1.54 and newer by Ven0m
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Different types of paramaters are available. Some accept only '=' for the
// value (like for the item type), some also accept '<' or '>' (for a % ED for
// example). Please note that > is greater or equal and < is lower or equal.
// Case does NOT matter anywhere, so cOdE will be treated the same way as Code.
// First section is reserved for configuration purposes. You can rename it if
// you want, it doesn't matter.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Valid parameters :
; Syntax:
; [unique string]
; Code="abc" - [Optional] This is the 3 letter itemcode.
; xxx=xxx - [Optional] This is how you check for certain mods on the ground such as sockets
; Identified=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = identified, 0 = unidentified
; Type=<string> - [Optional] shield/weapon/armor/helm/bow/other (not implemented)
; Level=<string> - [Optional] rare/unique/set/magic/normal/craft/superior/lowquality are accepted
; ClassLevel=<string> - [Optional] normal/exceptional/elite are accepted
; Pickup=0/1 - [Optional] 0 = dont pickup, 1 = pickup {default if not specified}
; HasSockets=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = has sockets, 0 = doesnt have sockets
; isEthereal=0/1 - [Optional] 1 = is Ethereal, 0 = isnt Ethereal
; Description of new functions is in BMpwnIt docs & on
// Item (= only) : either the 3-letter item code, the name or the generic type
// of the item.
// e.g. : // Getting Hydra Bows
// Item=6lw
// // Getting Monarchs
// Item=Monarch
// // Getting shields, excluding paladin shields
// Item=1
// ClassLevel (=, < or >) : Normal / Exceptional / Elite
// Will get you items of the specified quality
// e.g. : // Will get exceptional and elites
// Level>Exceptional
// ### (=, < or >) : Specific stat number to look for
// e.g. : // Item must have exactly 30% faster cast rate
// 105=30
// // Item must have 250% enhanced damage or more
// 18>250
// // Item must have between 100 and 200% enhanced damage
// // to keep the required level under 35
// 18>100
// 18<200
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Some popular item types :
// 1 : Shield
// 2 : Armor
// 26 : Bow
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Some popular stats to look for :
// 18 : % enhanced damage
// 22 : Final maximum damage
// 91 : % requirements
// 93 : % IAS
// 194 : Number of sockets
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the first section, used for configuration purposes
// ---
// log : [none/useful/all/full] pretty self-explanatory, will tell shopit what
// are the items it should log : none, the ones it bought,all of
// them, full will dump all items and their mods.
// the log will be in scripts\output
// logfile : [name of the log file]
[Elite Cruel Bow with 250%+ ED and chance to cast AD]
195 = 66 + % 516384 + level 1512
[Elite Cruel bow of quickness]
[Elite Cruel Maul of quickness]
[Elite Cruel Bow of Alacirity with 290%+ ED]