PvP Plague-a-zon


New Member
Aug 1, 2005
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guide for the

table of contents
1. Intro
2. stats and skills placement
3. equiptment
4. reason for equiptment
5. dueling strategies

Introduction::: This is a very unique build. I believe it is
anyway. This build consist the skills of Plauge javalin. This is strictly for
PVP so please dont try to mf with this build. The way you win is with
incredible poison dmg in quick amounts of time that will decrease your opponents hp to a wopping... 1 life! After you will be able to use any of your 1 hp killers (guided arrow, strafe, lightning fury) THe plan is too make people
think your an ordinary javazon that uses the boring lightning tactics then
you come out and use your plauges! Note: This is on Non-Ladder only

Stats and Skills Placement:::
Base stuff
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 20
Energy: 15

Hit Points: 50
Stamina: 84
Mana: 15

1 Vitality point gives 3 Life
1 Vitality point gives 1 Stamina
1 Energy point gives 1.5 Mana

Strength:: Just enuff for gear. add about 60+20=80
item bonuses
Dexterity::All here after your vitality and strength
Vitality:: just enuff for at least about 1.8 life
wit 5 bo cta crystal sword. experiment add and bo, add and bo unti 1.8k life and up
Energy:: NONE :nooob

1 to all Pre-reqs
MAX- Poison Javelin
MAX- Plauge Javelin
MAX- Lightning Fury
1 to all Passive and Magic skills
6-8 to avoid, dodge, evade
With the rest of the skills put into critical strike

you will get everything done into skills at lvl 94.. thinking you put one into critical already then you have a good chance to do a high level critical strike.
(1 + 17= 18 to critical after all is done with regular skill placement)


Rich Man:::
Helm: Brace yourselves. Jah'd .08 Valk Helm if they exist still after the patch...
Body: The Good Old 160/60 archon plate with life mods if they still exist...
Rings: 20to Dex Raven Frost if they still exist...
Gloves: Rare 3-PaM skills, Ias, Res, Dex/life if they still exist...
Boots: Eth Treks upped if they still exist... or Gore riders
Ammulet: Cats Eye is the best choice.. if it stil exists...

Today we are cutting out the middle man and going straight for the poor man

Poor Man:::
Helm: Um'd shako or Vampiregaze
Body: Coh Archon Plate i can think of no other armor
Rings: Raven frost... 20 dex
Gloves: Rare gloves or Trang-gouls
Boots: Gores or WaterWalks
Ammulet: Cats eye

In the Inventory!:::9 gc with 1-pam skills with fhr and res mods
5to all res charms
hellforge torch
3 life/mana sc

Reasons for equiptment::: simple if you need reasons just ask on the thread an i will imform.

Dueling Strats::: not done yet be up later once i am able to play the new patch and see how new ppl play!


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